









What's New

July 2007: in the section ...

Baby Boomers - Update - corrected date and added new information


September 2006: in the sections ...

His Writings  See a short movie of Frank Sandford.  Link is at bottom of page.


July 2001: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page - New -

    Boomer -
        VPA letters - correction to introdustion -


June 2001: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page - New - On Vistas and Theology

    Monster Meeting Update  - Update -  Let's do it again, July 8, 2001


April 2001: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page - New - On Why and Howcome

    Monster Meeting Update  - Update -  Let's do it again, July 8, 2001

    Timeline - Update - more fine tuning, more photos added

    Testimonies -
        Herbert Jenkins Thesis
- New - The remainder installment from Shiloh's most pre-eminant black student.

        Ralph Pass Story
- New - How to court your lady, Kingdom style

    Current Events
        West Coast
- New - What happened to the Kingdom Center in California?


March 2001: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page - New - On Fact and the Evidence (of things not seen)

    Monster Meeting Update - New - Do it again new millenium style?

    Timeline - Update - more fine tuning, more photos added

    Testimonies -
        Herbert Jenkins Story
- New - The first installment from Shiloh's most pre-eminant black

    Families -
        The Marstallers come to Shiloh
- New -

    The Scattering  - Update -   new photos added

        Joseph Miller Story
- New - Article from 1986 Yarmouth Notes

February 2001: in the sections ...

   WHOOPS !! What happened to February? Has anyone seen it? Where'd it go?

January 2001: in the sections ...      

     The Editor's Page - New - On Crowns & Icons

      Shiloh Pix - Updated - New old photos added

      His Writings -
          from Atlanta - two of FWS's letters from prison to the children of the 'University of Truth' at Shiloh in 1914 & 1915




December 2000: in the sections ...      

     The Editor's Page - New - On Grace & Angst

- New - prompted by an appendix in Sublimity of Faith

November 2000: in the sections ...

      The Editor's Page - New - On Boiler Plate and Dialogue

October 2000: in the sections ...

       The Editor's Page - New - On Websites and Getting a Life

       The Story - New - A highly condensed version of Kingdom History'  Part 1

            "One Average Man's Journey of Faith" - Excerpt from Nathan Miller's Autobiography

                Batting Averages - FWS's prophecy score card

September 2000: in the sections ...

       The Editor's Page - New - On Prophecy and Batting Averages

        The Thirty 
- New - Who were they?

        Clarence Parker's Journal 
- New -  An autobiographic journal of an early Shiloh student

    His Writings 
        The First Thousand Years 
- New -  first excerpts from FWS's "spellbinder" from Adam to Enoch

August 2000: in the sections ...

    In Memorium
        Rev. Frank Murray's passing

    The Editor's Page - New - On Second Chances and Other Unexplained Phenomena
        Monster Meeting Update
- New - Report of our swaray in Georgetown, with photos!
            Who Wants to be a Kingdom Millionaire? 
- New - with Regis Parker (or is that Reggie Philbin)

   Nathan Harriman - New - Tacoma paper article on the exciting departure of Sandford & Co. from Tacoma by train in 1900

        Mrs. William Hastings  
- New - A 1937 letter to John Sandford, speaking her mind.

July 2000: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page  - New - On One size Fits All and Other Conundrums

    Timeline  many small but significant additions and edits

          Rev. F. Kiefer - New -
An enthusiastic introduction to a new student in 1897, who then mysteriously never reappears in Shiloh news.

          Circumnavigation - Not new, but out of sight for awhile and now back

   Smiles - New Installment

June 2000: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page  - New - On Integrity & Hiding the Weenie

    N. Harriman - The story of the Tacoma party

     The Papers
         Portland Evening Express - New Section - On FWS manslaughter trial

    Note: Many small edits/corrections have been made and are scattered throughout the site.


May 2000: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page  - New - On Deception and Darth Vader

    Guestbook - Revised - Sign in, leave your comments or questions to the webhosts.

    Dialogue - New - For the sharing of your experiences, learning and collective wisdom.  Start a thread, respond or just browse.

    The Roots -
       Totten - Anglo-Israel
          Con - Arguments against the theory updated
- New - Recent A&E television program reviewed on the 10 Lost Tribes

     Legalism -
          Kingdom Think -
The list of Pretzel Logic begins to grow

     His Writings -
          Around The World - FWS's first stab at journalism and missions.
          Letters - A letter to Dr. Charles Reeder from Mr. Sandford

     Boomer - Update to the Baby Boomer era, 1998-2000

     Glossary - New additions. Can you find them?

     Healing -
          Dialogue - Start a thread and/or leave your 2 (or 3) cents worth


April 2000: in the sections ...

    The Editor's Page - (formerly Observations) On Leadership & Forgiveness

    Monster Meeting - More details w/ pictures!

    Timeline - Update on Elim mortgage info 1903 from Tongues of Fire

    The Roots -  Further details on the Parham connection with Sandford from Tongues of Fire

    The Trials - Section revision now containing Portland Press Herald articles about the 1911 Northern Voyage manslaughter trial

    Doctrine -
- New Section - The 1997 23 page letter from Frank Murray explaining why the Kingdom should return to its roots.
            Was he? - last month's entry under Elijah repositioned
        Legalism -
            Kingdom Think
- New Section - A chance via Dialogue to build your own webpage !!

    Vignettes -
        William Anderson
- New Section - An interview with the last survivor of the Kingdom's Jerusalem mission.

    Healing -
       Anger & Forgiveness
- New Section - Some thoughts on Forgiveness from the authors of Captive Hearts, Captive Minds

    The Papers
         Rome Sentinel - New Section - Reader contribution. Information on the Kingdom's former center in Rome, New York


March 2000: in the sections ...

    Site Map - New Section - Forget where "Restored Baptism" is? Check the map!

    The Roots -
       Totten - Anglo-Israel approached . . . more to come
        Pro and Con - Arguments for and against the theory presented

    Timeline - Reader contribution - A photo of the FWS gravesite in Hobart, New York

    Doctrine -
       Restoration - Additional items added to FWS's list of restored entities.
          The List - A list of some of the things that FWS restored
          Elijah - Was FWS a prophet?
       Tongues - an updated discussion adding notes from Sandford's "The Guest Within"

    The Papers -
        John Adamson - Mrs. Adamson's thwarted attepmt to visit her dying son.
        Roland Whittom - Interview and story of Coronets's northern voyage

    Healing -
- New Section - Contributions from recovering members


February 2000: in the sections ...

   Observations - New Section -The Editor's page - Happy Birthday fwselijah and an Open Invitation !!

   Vignettes - Poverty Unthinkable

    The Roots -
- New Section - Anglo-Israel approached, a Primer. . .more to come


          Restored Baptism - The entire article by FWS is reprinted on "Authorized Baptism"
           Rankin Thesis - Term Paper "Restoration or Defamation?" by John Rankin


January 2000: in the sections ...

    Timeline - A photo of the Bible School's first location in Litchfield, Maine taken in 1895

    Vignettes - Carl Noe story.

    Read More About It - Fair Clear and Terrible page notes ... sources and research notes not previously published with the book,the final installation.

    The Alienist - A Psychiatrist's opinion as to the sanity of F. W. Sandford.

December '99: in the sections ...  

    T. Albert Field - The story of Shiloh's first postmaster

    Diaries - New Section - Mrs. Doris Hastings Diary 1919-1920

    Coronet - Mrs. Almon Whitaker's photograph

    Coronet - 1908 Voyage - Coronet Circumnavigation Timeline

    The Scattering - New Section - The last days of the Holy Ghost & Us Bible School - and

        Fallout - stories which accrued from that event

    Read More About It - Fair Clear and Terrible page notes ... sources and research notes not previously published with the book,up to Chapter 25 and pg.349 ... more to follow

    Doctrine - Perfectionism - The Scriptures, a personal view, and St. Paul

November '99: in the sections ...

    Diaries - New section, w/ some of Edith McIntyre's journal entries

    Families - the rest of the 1917 Membership list - edits/corrections will follow - feel free to tell us!

    The Journal - picture of the boat "Overcomer"

    Read More About It - Fair Clear and Terrible page notes ... sources and research notes not previously published with the book,up to Chapter 16 and pg. 226 ... more to follow

October '99: in the sections ...

     Families - improved photo of the University of Truth school system circa 1914

     Coronet - photo of stained glass doors from Newport Art Museum exhibit

     Read More About It - Fair Clear and Terrible page notes ... sources and research notes not previously published with the book,covering the first 100 pages ... more to follow

     His Writings - The Revelation Sermon  ...  final pages 40-60

September '99: in the sections ...    

    Sorry, Due to our busy schedule and technical difficulties at the webhost server, we were unable to publish the update for September.  Also, the membership roster must wait at least until November.

August '99: in the sections ...    

     Families - Shiloh membership roster 1895-1917

     The Journal - Cecil Stanmore photographs

     Guestbook - New format ... and it works!!

July '99: in the sections ...

    Doctrine - The Restoration discussed w/ articles by J.B. Harriman, F.S. Murray, V.P. Abram

June '99: in the sections ...

    Families - Keyed photograph of the Shiloh school children circa 1914

May '99: in the sections...

    The Journal - Victor Barton & Frank Templeton page, Cecil Stanmore page

    His Writings - The Revelation Sermon continues ...Pages 11-40

    The Papers - An article from the 1967 Lewiston Daily Sun reporting a talk on Shiloh by Rev. Murray

April '99: in the sections...

    The Journal - Articles from The Lewiston Evening Journal, incl. Holman Day, Eliza Leger, Nathan Harriman, Jean Stevens and others.

    His Writings - Portions from the Art of War comparing original 1901 to revised 1966 editions.