









   Shiloh Photo Album

The Sign placed over the door by the 1897
Bible School

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This is Shiloh as originally constructed in 1897. The 'port hole' windows in the Jerusalem turret were replaced with bay windows and the crown received taller columns during the period of time that the extension was also under construction.
Above, the Shiloh Complex, looking north from about a mile distant, probably taken ca. 1901.  The photographer is standing somewhere near the northeast end of what is now known as the Leighton Road.

Bethesda is clearly visible at the far right, Olivet in the center, with John Douglass's barn visible in the mid-foreground beneath the extension.   'Hephzibah' hidden in the elms just to the left of the barn.  The Holland cottage lies above the barn and below the extension. The terrace arouns Olivet has not yet been seeded.


wileyvu.jpg (93505 bytes) Shiloh Complex, circa 1905 looking easterly from somewhere near the Wiley Farm, about 3/4 of a mile distant.  Olivet, the childrens building is the turreted building on the right, with the flagstaff on top of Bethesda visible just to the left of Olivet.


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The easterly "elevation" of Shiloh Extension, from an antique postcard.  Notice the arched wooden gateway over the stairs at the edge of the east terrace. Both photos are from antique postcards. The inner courtyard of the Extension, facing north.  The American flag flies from David's tower, on the northeast side of the building, closest to the Androscoggin River.
Olivet.jpg (56880 bytes) The Children's Building - Olivet
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shiloh1950.jpg (75417 bytes) Shiloh complex circa 1950. The 'Extension', along with the 'Gates of Praise' were demolished in 1953.


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Novcem.jpg (32136 bytes) summercem.jpg (96414 bytes) Shiloh Cemetery - Summer

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Stone1.jpg (7219 bytes)  "Built of the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets
Jesus Christ Himself Being the Chief Cornerstone"


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