Monster Mtg










Editor's Page:   Editorial Commentary     October 2001

On Prophecy and Tomorrow

Speaking of tomorrow, for two years and then some the fwselijah.com website has been on line and available, with yours truly babysitting the pages.  It has been deeply rewarding, sometimes frustrating, always entertaining and a labor of love.  Up until this summer I made a concerted effort to keep the pages fresh and the editorials thought provoking on a monthly basis, but only you can be the final judge of my success.  This summer I took a vacation from the pages, my first in almost 3 and a half years. (the site was over a year in the making before it went on line)  And I loved it!   So, after much thought I've decided to relax the effort and let it just percolate along for awhile, as is.  The monthly editorials will not show up as regularly as before, although any of you may feel free to send your thoughts along, and as usual, if the spirit moves us, who knows, maybe your two cents will show up here in addition to the Dialogue page.

Anyway, thanks for watching and come back again soon.  As Tom Beaudette says, "We'll keep the light on".