









The Trials

Frank Sandford's Forays with the American System of Jurisprudence

1899 - Mrs. Appleby files assault charges which are later dropped.

1904 - Six Counts of Child Abuse ... two are tried:
            a. "Cruelty in the Case of John Sandford,"  
                    Verdict: found guilty, fined $100.

            b. "Manslaughter in the Case of
 Leander Bartlett ."  
                    Verdict: Tried in Auburn, the jury is deadlocked concerning his refusal to pray for Leander Bartlett before Leander's death. The case is retried in Farmington in May, and the verdict is guilty.  The decision is appealed, and the case heard by the Supreme Judicial Court in Portland. On 1-03-1905 the Farmington verdict is reversed, due to the jury's decision being based on opinion, not fact, as to whether the 'prayer of faith' could have saved Bartlett's life, the Maine Supreme Court judges said.  They referred the case back to the lower court.  The tired case is once more tried again, back where it all started in Auburn during October of 1905, with the results, as in the first trial, with a hung jury, unable to find agreement with the charge of "culpable indifference".    Fair, Clear & Terrible p.228 - 256

1904 - Fred MacGregor lawsuit... for return of personal property, i.e., horses and  carriage

1905 - Erlon Dunlap child custody suit

1910 -  Mr. Perry arrested for forcible detention of Sarah Joseph ... case dismissed

1911  - "The Northern Voyage" ... Manslaughter  convicted .. served seven years nine months

1912 -  Forcible detention ... Mrs Almon Whitaker ... convicted in absentia, fine reduced on appeal from $1100 to $500.

1920 -  Bean suit filed for Child abuse .. "Work and can work" .. suit withdrawn, .. the "Scattering" results