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Read More About It:

Several of these titles are not readily available at your local library.  Titles from The Kingdom Press were published by the Kingdom in limited numbers.  Lately, however, several of Sandford's more "mainstream" later works have turned up on Yahoo's referral service, and are supposedly available through Borders or Barnes & Noble's internet book services via the original publisher.   

Churches That Abuse, The Subtle Power of Spiritual AbuseHealing Spiritual Abuse, and A. B. Simpson and the Pentecostal Movement are available from Barnes & Noble or Amazon.com.

The Almighty & Us and Fair, Clear & Terrible are the property of Shirley Nelson.  Fair Clear and Terrible is available at limited bookstores and through Ms. Nelson. 

Coronet, Conquering and to Conquer is currently available from a limited printing directly from The Kingdom Press, Amherst, New Hampshire.

A. B. Simpson and the Pentecostal Movement  by Charles W. Nienkirchen

All Israel Restored by Frank S. Murray  The Kingdom Press 1992

Captive Hearts Captive Minds by Madeline Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich Hunter House Inc. Publishers 1994

Churches That Abuse by Ronald M. Enroth   Zondervan Publishing House 1992

Coronet, Conquering and to Conquer by Captain Timothy Murray  The Kingdom Press  1998

Fair, Clear and Terrible   by Shirley Nelson   British American Publishing   1989

Faith That Hurts Faith That Heals   by Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton    Thomas  Nelson Publishers   Nashville 1991

Fields White Unto Harvest by James R. Goff, Jr. Univ. of Arkansas Press 1988

Healing Spiritual Abuse  by Ken Blue   Intervarsity Press

More Than a Prophet - Twelve Years With Frank Sandford  by Harrison Gates

My Explorations and Adventures in Greater Palestine (1905-1909)  By Ralph Emerson Gleason 1923,
transcribed from his handwritten diary using Family Tree Maker by his grandson, Ralph Edward Gleason, Sr.
Eighty-seven pages of text and pictures, describing his journey through the Holy Land with Joseph Harriman. A Maine man who lived in the Holy Land for four years 1905-1909 and traveled therein over thirteen hundred miles largely to ascertain its true biblical boundaries.

One Average Man's Journey of Faith  by Nathan C. Miller   Brentwood Christian Press Columbus, Georgia  1990

Seven Years With God  by Frank W. Sandford  The Kingdom Press, Amherst, N.H.  reprinted (and edited) 1957

Shiloh,  Frank W. Sandford & The Kingdom:1893-1948 A Dissertation submitted by William C. Hiss   Tufts University  April 1978

The Almighty and Us The Inside Story of Shiloh, Maine   by Arnold White  Published by Arnold White 1979

The Art of War  by Frank W. Sandford The Kingdom Press, Amherst, N.H.  reprinted (and edited) 1957

The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life   by Hannah Whiteall Smith (original edition, 1870) Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell. 1966

The Drift Into Deception by Agnes and John Lawless  1995 Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49501  

The Golden Light on the Two Americas  by Frank W. Sandford The Kingdom Press, Amherst, N.H.  reprinted (and edited) 1974 

The Restoration of All Things   by Victor P. Abram  The Kingdom Press, Amherst, N.H

The Sublimity of Faith   by Frank S Murray   The Kingdom Press, 1981

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse   by David Johnson & Jeff Vanvonderen   Bethany House

Who Told You That You Were Naked? by John Jacob Raub Crossroad Publishing Co., N.Y., N.Y.