On Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2000, Rev. Frank Murray passed away. Rev. Murray was 90 years old and had lived most of his adult life as a full time worker in The Kingdom, a religious sect described by his son Timothy as a "millennial entity". As a young adult he discipled himself to Frank Sandford, the founder of The Kingdom. Rev. Murray rose through the ranks to the position of minister, and for an eight year period between 1948 through 1956 was President of The Kingdom Corporation. He was a graduate of Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, and soon after joining with Sandford, became a member of the "College Company", a group of mostly college graduates in The Kingdom who preached at various colleges around the country. He was an editor of their publication "The College World" which later evolved into "The Standard". He was his mentor's biographer, publishing The Sublimity of Faith in 1981.  He was at Sandford's side when he passed away in 1948, and, as far as we know, continued to believe all of Sandford's claims to the end. Rev. Murray was an articulate public speaker and a staunch defender of the Sandford doctrines. Sandford claimed to be the returned Elijah, as well as a host of other titles most of the Christian world would say applied to Christ. Sandford used his status as a prophet to set up a mostly legalistic Old Testament doctrine with "special" Sandford interpretations. Though the gospel was always there as part of the mix, one had to believe in the rest in order to reach leadership status in The Kingdom, which Rev. Murray did. Through the years after Sandford's death, Rev. Murray found himself in the position of trying to hold back the tide working to pull The Kingdom toward a Christ centered evangelical church. Frank Murray was not bendable when it came to Frank Sandford's legacy, and as a result, several years ago The Kingdom split, largely due to his influence on a core of believers in the Sandford doctrine. Today, Rev. Murray's two sons carry the Sandford torch and carry on active leadership roles in the successor Kingdom organization called "Kingdom Christian Ministries". On the surface, "KCM" is a Christian gospel oriented church, but beneath the facade exists the Elijah 'millennial entity'. In spite and because of his Sandfordian theology, Frank Murray will be missed by many.

Dick Sweet

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from the Manchester Union Leader July 9, 2000

Frank S. Murray

Dublin evangelist established church in Essex, Mass.

DUBLIN - Frank Suther Murray, 90, died July 6, 2000, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Manchester.

Born in Jerusalem Dec. 4, 1909, he was the son of Gordon and Emma (Barton) Murray.

He spent most of his youth in Maine. He graduated from Bates College, summa cum laude, in 1934. He majored in English, won international notice as a successful debater and was president of his class for three years.

After graduation, he entered full-time work with the Christian mission organization called The Kingdom.

He served as evangelist, Bible teacher, author, editor of church publications, pastor, minister and, for a decade, as president.

He was responsible for establishing The Kingdom's Church, Fair Haven Chapel, in Essex, Mass., and retired as senior pastor there in 1985.

During World War 11 he served in the Navy as a quartermaster until 1945. 


After his discharge, he was appointed captain of The Kingdom's missionary yacht, Coronet, holding that post for 85 coastal cruises over 36 years.

From 1955 to 1985 he was a resident of Gloucester, Mass., home port of the Coronet, and later lived in Essex. In both towns he was active along the waterfront, in town affairs and in his church work.

Mr. Murray spent his retirement years in New Hampshire and Connecticut and held annual summer Bible schools from 1979 to 1992.

In Connecticut he served on the Ledyard Library Commission and was active in town affairs.

Among his other accomplishments were a prayer journey around the world in 1989; monthly publication of The College World and The Standard from 1933 to 1983; publication of two books, "The Sublimity of Faith" in 1981 and "All Israel Restored" in 1992. He also produced an unpublished manuscript, "Lessons My Pastor Taught Me."

His first wife, Lois, died in 1989.

Family members include his wife, Arline (Noss) Murray of Ledyard,Conn., two sons, David Murray of New Boston and Timothy Murray of Dublin; a sister, Mildred Holland of New Boston; eight grandchildren; a great-grandchild.

The funeral was Sunday at Fairwood Bible Institute Chapel in Dublin. A graveside service and burial were Sunday at Shiloh Cemetery in Durham, Maine.