










John Adamson's Return

Below is an article taken from the archives of the Lewiston Journal, describing the story of Mrs. Adamson's attempt to visit with ans nurse her boy on the Coronet after his return to South Freeport.   Mrs. Adamson was a "quitter", who had left Shiloh with most of their children, with the exception of John and his father, as is explained below.

From Lewiston Evening Journal: October 26, 1911:


Brunswick Woman Indignant at
Treatment She Received on
the Coronet


BRUNSWICK, Me., Oct. 26 (Special). --

Mrs. Adamson of Brunswick, whose son, John is critically ill on board the Shiloh yacht Coronet, tried to visit him today, but although she succeeded in boarding the Coronet she was not allowed to go to the forecastle to see her son, or even to leave him the delicacies which she had brought.

Mrs. Adamson and her friends are indignant at the treatment which she received, and she insists that the boy, who is about 20 years of age, is in very critical condition, suffering from scurvy.

Early this morning Mrs. Adamson left her home in Brunswick, taking with her a large basket, containing fruit, other delicacies and many little necessities for the sick room, intending them for her son and for the other sick people on board the Coronet. Her son, John, was among those who were so critically ill that it was impossible to remove them from the yacht.

Reaching South Freeport by electrics Mrs. Adamson hired a motor boat and was taken to the Coronet. No one was on deck at the time she arrived and so she boarded the yacht before any one realized her presence.

The Shilohites are holding six hour religious services on board the Coronet and nearly everyone was in the forecastle at the time of her arrival. She had her basket of fruit, etc., put on board the Coronet, paid the boatman and told him that he might return to shore. The motorboat at once headed towards land and was out of call in a few minutes.

Mrs. Adamson looked about and seeing a man, started toward him to make inquiries. The man chanced to be her husband, who is a firm believer in Shiloh and has been a member of the Hilltop family for several years. He was not one of those on board the Coronet during its long cruise, but was one of the party sent down from the Hilltop to take care of the yacht and the sick people.

He greeted his wife coldly and then urged her to return to the shore. She refused to do so until she had seen her boy. Her husband said that he would have to consult the leaders before he could allow her to do so and he went forward to the forecastle where a service was then being held. Mrs. Adamson followed hem, and started down the stairs into the forecastle, where she felt certain her boy could be found.

She was not allowed to proceed. Hot words followed. Mrs. Adamson persisted. She said that she had the right to help care for her boy; that they had no right to refuse her request. The leaders were just as firm in their refusal as ever. Not only did they absolutely refuse to allow her in the forecastle to see her sick boy, but they also refused to keep the delicacies which she had brought for him and the other patients.

She argued back and forth for some time. Finally Mrs. Adamson said "I can't get back to shore, there is no way to get there."

They assured her that they would put her ashore in one of their small boats.

She said she was frightened to get into the small boat; she was afraid it would tip over and that she would be drowned. Another hot argument ensued and finally Mrs. Adamson was forced to leave without seeing her son.

Mrs. Adamson is a typical Swedish woman, and very firm of mind. She declares that she will keep at it until she gets her boy ashore where he can have proper care.


There is much of pathos in the life-story of Mrs. Adamson. Several years ago her husband became a convert of Sandfordism and took his entire family to Shiloh. After a short time his wife left the Hilltop because she could not stand the strain of the strange life they live. Her husband wanted to keep all the children; she wanted to take them away with her. They finally divided the children, she taking half and he keeping half.

With her share of the children, she then went to live on a farm in the western part of Brunswick. For a time her husband came there every day. He would split wood and carry the water and do other heavy work for her.

Soon Sandford convinced the husband that he was doing wrong to visit his wife; that she had incurred God's displeasure, and that the husband should go there no more, so his visits ceased.

This was some four years ago. Since then there has been no communication between husband (and) wife.

Mrs. Adamson's neighbors at West Brunswick declare that she is a fine Christian woman, that she is bringing up her children well and educating them and doing her utmost to make them good men and women. One of her daughters is now attending the Brunswick high school and the mother is paying for her board in the village.

The sympathy of the people of Brunswick is entirely with Mrs. Adamson, and they will do what they can to aid her in securing what she believes to be her right to see and to nurse her sick boy.