









His Writings


What follows is a letter written January 31, 1941 by Mr. Frank Sandford to Dr. Charles Reeder.  Dr. Reeder was an osteopath who joined the movement sometime in the early 1930s.  Mr. Sandford, as with so many other of his followers, assigned him the new name "Luke", after Luke the physician of Gospel fame. Dr. Reeder evidently had begun to write a series of articles on health and had asked Mr. Sandford to edit them for him.  The letter reveals several insights into the personality of Mr. Sandford, among them, his inability to admit a mistake (the opening sentence), his candid assessment of his disciples general level of intelligence, and his belief that by January of 1940 the great tribulation had begun. Not only did he fail to admit he'd lost the first copy sent for his review, he later insinuates it was the stenographer's fault, and for the author to be sure with future articles to instruct the stenographer on how to handle it properly.  And finally, with his closing prayer for Dr. Reeder, Mr. S. indicates that the primary goal of Dr. Reeder's effort should be to obtain the supernatural ability to heal through faith, or he will lose the respect of his patients.

Dear Brother "Luke": (with your marvelous patience)

Your first article was received, and long afterwards I searched faithfully, but failed to find it.  Your "HEALTHFUL KNOWLEDGE FOR HOMO SAPIENS" January 1940 in hand.  I would advise this change on page second:

"It is the plan to include one or more diets in each successive issue of this paper."  "one or more diet" sounds wrong.

Also page three you have "vitamines" and the second word from there "vitamins".  Is that correct?  Or have you misspelled?

On page five "it is of high value to Bios."  Shouldn't that be a small "b" inasmuch as it is "the Greek word for life"?

As to the article as a whole, I would advise you to accumulate stories to illustrate  each dry fact you may furnish.  The saints are many of them lacking in acumen - i.e., keenness - and a story will make your meaning clear, and at the same time entertain the sheep.   You can ask the kingdom fore striking cases of healing, i.e., those otherwise unrecorded.

As to the "Health Department Periodical", I think it very helpful, and it is quite desirable that we save many thrilling stories of deliverance which will otherwise be covered up with the dust of Time.

As to the matter of sending the material to myself for approval, I don't care so much about the personal part as I do about making sure that you have no errors, and no lack of wisdom in what is put out.   Perhaps for the present you had better forward to me, with instructions to the stenographer to see that it is attended to, and promptly returned.

However, the days are fearfully evil, and I have directions from God concerning which no one knows in the world but myself - directions which I must carry out.  I may not be able to always supervise, but think it would be a fine idea to do so for a while at least.

As to the matter of identification of the name of the editor", why couldn't you simply have it signed, "The Health Department of the Kingdom" or simply "The Health Department". I have no objection to your name going out, only we are in turmoil - the great tribulation - and only God knows what is wise.

Query: Would it be best to have your articles numbered rather than dated, i.e., No. I rather than "January 1940"?  No. II etc.  I don't advise this - am just raising the question for you to consider if you desire to do so.  It would cover up irregularity of issue.

Do you wish this copy returned?

"Holy Father, will You give our brother the general alertness necessary in these days of evil?  Will you enter it as a part of his very life: 'Christ is made to you (Luke) the wisdom of God.'  Will You make that EMPHATIC in his life? 

"ALSO, will You lead him into the actuality - the truth of the statement, 'Christ is made unto you (Luke) the power of God?'  Without the latter, the former is well-nigh useless.  'The Power' to actually heal the sick and deliver them is absolutely essential to any confidence or respect on the part of patients.

"Will You enable him to carry on his plan of action wisely, well, and prosperously?  Will You cause him to   know that faith, and faith alone is the victory?  That confidence in the Supreme Being is THE THING?  Will You make him know the words are not except they become supernatural because 'born of God?'  Will You stamp wisdom on him, and will You stamp power on him - the 'wisdom' of God and the 'power' of God?  We ask it in the name of Jesus, Amen.
