









Editor's Page:
   Monster Meeting   2001

We have been in touch with the park and we have a tentative commitment for Sunday, July 8, 2001.  Any and all who have followed this website, or are current or former members of the Kingdom are welcome.  Bring yourselves, your food, your stories and your smiling faces to the appointed place for a great summer wing-ding.  The cost is $2.50 per person to enter (over 12 and under 65) kids and the elderly are free.  Email us for directions.  See you all  there!

Reggie & Dick


Finally, here we are, enjoying each other's company and staying out of the mosquitos.
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OK, OK, so you were a "Diamond", Nina. Big deal!
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Go ahead and deny he was a prophet, Dick, but don't come crying to me on judgement day when Tim Murray is standing there beside his Dad who's standing there beside FWS, who's standing there beside...
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Is this where the mosh pit is going to be?
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Hey Nina, bring another kid over here! Mike needs one on his back, too!
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I knew late in life pregnancies were more common these days, but really, sis, I wished you'd said something!

(Really, somewhere in that blanket is Mike & Laura's new baby girl, 11 days old!!)

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I didn't know how to tell you this Mylene, so I waited till we got here, but I've quit my job, put the house on the market, and decided to dig clams for a living.   Whaddaya think?
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This is Julia & Corey Sweet.  Corey's taking a breather from the water fight. (Who needs water ballons anyway when all you need is your mouth, right Julia?)
million1.jpg (55451 bytes)Who wants to be a Kingdom Millionaire?
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Hosted by Regis Parker (or was that Reggie Philbin?)

  For a sample game click here

Dick, Nina & who's that? ninandicknfrank.jpg (51989 bytes)
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Yum! Watermelon anyone? Check out the uninvited sampler !
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And now for a little desert!
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Whoa - Look out! Who's that helping Nina with the gruel?
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  Lyle Cross: "Even tho I'm smiling, I want OUT of this thing!"
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   The life of the party
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Both Mel Gibson and Tom Sellick heard about the meeting this year!
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Our hidden camera caught Jan and Frank in a deep discussion on theology, faith, and converting widows.
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           "Mel & Tom" staying aloof
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Gee, Mrs. Sweet, enough of this off-roading, already! Does this    thing look like an SUV to you?
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   When did you say 9 o'clock hour started?
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Well, no one said anything to US about a nude beach!