










Cecil Stanmore's Story

This article by Nathan Harriman appeared in the Lewiston Saturday Journal on December 3, 1904, and was included with the article from Eliza Leger, printed elsewhere on the website. As the article explains, Cecil was a small boy who was taken overseas to be a companion to young John Sandford, as well as to fulfill the prophecy in scripture regarding the children playing in the streets of Jerusalem. 

Curious to know more and the authenticity of the story, we attempted to contact any remaining relatives of Cecil Stanmore, and in May 1999 we found a lead from a genealogical website indicating that members of the Dupal family of Lisbon Falls Me. could well be related to Stanmore, probably through his older sister Maude. From Social Security records, we are also aware he died in Middlebury, Vermont in 1971.

The genealogical site bore fruit.  The Dupal family steered us in the direction of their aunt, Ms. Dorothy Reynolds, life-long resident of Lisbon Falls and daughter of Cecil Stanmore's sister, Elsie. (lower right hand side of family photo below)   Ms. Reynolds was kind enough to donate the photographs now included on this page.  We sincerely thank her for her cooperation. 

She informed us that upon Cecil's return to Shiloh and learning of his treatment while in Liverpool, his father immediately removed the family from the hilltop.  Cecil (Sam, as he preferred to be called) only spoke of this incident once in her presence.  It would seem however, that Sam's mother, Mrs. Louise Stanmore, possibly found it more difficult to displace herself entirely from the movement.  Not only is she buried in the Shiloh cemetery, but her Bible (which Ms. Reynolds has) reveals several dated Bible studies conducted by Willard Gleason which she attended between Cecil's return in 1902 and her death in 1907.   Whether or not she stayed on the hilltop and chose to separate herself from her family in order to stay "loyal" or whether she left and only attended services is unclear.  Understanding Mr. Sandford's sentiments regarding quitters, it is difficult to believe she came and went at will.

Stanfam.jpg (51076 bytes)  

The Stanmore Family, circa 1904 btm row l to r: Louise, Ida Ruth, Cecil, George, Elsietop, l. to r.:Ethel, Maude, Elizabeth, Dorothy


This little fellow was Cecil Stanmore, who in July, 1902, at six years of age, started with the "Second Jerusalem Party" for England, whence they were to go to Jerusalem, Sandford said, and relieve the First Jerusalem party. (Departure date along with names of the party, including "Sam", are also given in Everlasting Gospel Vol II July 3 - July 31, 1902 Nos. 23-30, Ed.) Cecil was to go to play with John Sandford who was there with his mother, and they were thus to fulfil that prophecy of "the restoration" that "the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing the streets thereof."- Zech. viii:9. The "girls" were to be represented by Holland's little girl, who was in the party.

Neither Mr. Holland, his wife, little girl, Cecil, nor any other of the party reached Jerusalem, though Holland and his wife were to go there and spend the rest of their lives there, at least Sandford made them believe that they were. The party got no further than England, and it was there that these things occurred that I am to relate.

Yungcecl.jpg (12420 bytes) Cecil Stanmore, at age 9 +/-

Little Cecil left behind all his relatives. He was a tiny bit of a boy, had been very sick at Shiloh, in 1900, was not at all robust, and with father, mother, brothers and sisters left behind, there ought to have been special tenderness shown him. But Shiloh knows no tenderness, when discipline is needed.

Cecil had told a lie, and had been ordered to report to Holland for a whipping. He could not, he was so afraid. For three days he suffered the torture of dreading to go. Then Mrs. Holland said she felt he was having his own way, and she did not like it; he must be made to mind.

I am giving an account substantially in the language of my own wife who had charge of the home there under Mrs. Holland, and had therefore to handle the case.

He had been kept on bread and water during the three days of his disobedience, because "that was the way John Sandford had been treated" for a similar offence. Since it did not make him willing to go and be whipped after a three days' trial, he must be taken to Mr. Holland, which was done.

Pasdamim.jpg (85750 bytes) "Pas-damim" or Highfield House, outside of Liverpool.  Once the home of an Earl, it became the rented center of The Holy Ghost & Us Bible School in Great Britain.

from a photo in the personal collection of the Nat Street family album, who was born there.

Mr. Holland said he must be whipped once every day for three days, to make up for the three days he had refused to mind, and he was kept on bread and water during the three days also. Each day he was taken to one of the out buildings and whipped with a stick or rod.

Once, as he returned across the court yard from one of these whippings, he was very pale; and as he caught sight of some of the household looking at him he smiled, a thing that seemed at the time very strange for a child who had been punished. The fact is, the whole thing was artificial and horrible to the child - he did not understand it. How could he, only seven years old?

Later it became known about the house that he had a weak heart, and that it was dangerous to his life to be suddenly startled or frightened or violently agitated. After that he was treated with kindness and never allowed to get excited - treatment that should have been his from the first. I do not believe Mr. Holland knew of this heart weakness when he whipped him.

Think of a little seven-year-old tot, with heart so weak that he was in danger of death if over-excited, struggling in the grip of a strong man so violently that he had hard work to hold him, while he beat him with a rod, doing this three days in succession, the child kept on bread and water all the time and three days previous to the punishment!

The day after the third whipping of Cecil, food was taken up to him by my wife. The way that he received it is proof that he had not been stubborn or willful. He looked at it in amazement and asked: "Is that for me?" Poor child! Well he might wonder at it, after his long fast! Being told that it was for him he asked: "Did Mr. Holland say I could have it?" He was told he did, looked very pleased and said: "I guess that means I am going to be a better boy."

My wife adds: "His body was so covered with black and blue marks that I could not bathe him. I let him do it himself. I think it remained covered fully two weeks. The tender parts of the body were swollen, and the natural processes hurt him. It was cold in his room and the wooden shutters were closed so he could not see over them during the six days of his discipline. He sat in his chair, with overcoat on most of the time. He NEVER MADE ONE WORD OF COMPLAINT, except when he said once, when . . . . . : "it hurts me."

Cecil returned home with the party that arrived August 11, and I suppose all his sufferings are forgotten in being with his mother and the rest of the family. But if that mother is still "loyal" to Shiloh and Sandford, what I have here written would have no weight with her either in convincing her that the system is dangerous.

This is the pity of it. This system is like the case of Juggernaut, and beneath its wheels our children are sacrificed. How many of the best have gone, and how many more are being prepared for the slaughter?


Cecil Stanmore escaped; but older children of heart-broken parents are lying in untimely graves because of this system; and other parents are living in the shadow of constant dread lest theirs will be the next to be sacrificed.


Oldcecil.jpg (18643 bytes)  

Mr. Cecil Stanmore

Chef at Middlebury College, Vt.

circa 1968