










The Children

The photograph shown here was taken during the year 1914, according to Arnold White's book, "The Almighty and Us".  We owe Mr. Leroy Knight a debt of gratitude for providing the 8 x 10 glossy of the photo to be scanned, together with a key of who these children are.  We have collated the list by ID number (see key) and alphabetized them as well, so that if you know the name you can go right to their smiling face.

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Jpgkids.jpg (363320 bytes) Kidskey.jpg (108334 bytes)

Reference Key to Photograph of Shiloh School System (circa 1914)

1 Daisy Smith

2 Lydia White

3 Jeanette MacDonald

4 Genevra Pierce

5 Hope Kelsey Anderson

6 EvelynWhite

7 Alfreda Hatch Perry

8 Lillian Marshall

9 Hazel  Houseler

10 Grace Sexton Davis

11 Ethel Richardson Gilbert

12 Lola Dustin

13 Elsie MacArthur

14 Meta Marstaller Fraser

15 Clarence Wiley

16 Louis Marstaller

17 Eugene Mereau

18 Raymond Hutchins or perhaps Charles Jones?

19 Gary Campbell

20 James Gilbert

21 Howard Fraser

22 Unknown

23 John Sandford

24 Unknown

25 Unknown

26 Theodora Sandford Holland

27 Esther Sandford

28 Ruth (Anderson) Sweet

29 Sarah White

30 Esther Matchett Wiley

31 Edda MacArthur

32 Almeda Bailey ?

33 Louisa Marstaller

34 Elizabeth Settle

35 Mary Higgins

36 Lydia Marstaller

37 Lucille Holden

38 Marjorie White ?

39 John Spier

40 Charles Marstaller

41 Lincoln Clement

42 Vinal Bailey

43 Avis White

44 Beulah Smith

45 Ruth Kelsey

46 Ethel Jones

47 Lena Marstaller

48 Madeline (Gifford) Sexton

49 David Street

50 Marguerite Sandford

51 Agnes (Fraser) Sweet

52 Wilbur Smith

53 Willie Bowen ?

54 StephenAnderson

55 Philip Holland

56 Joseph Brown or perhaps Eddie Nelson?

57 David Marstaller

58 Linwood Wiley

59 Sheldon Hill

60 Hollis Jones ? (a twin)

61 Solomon Hastings Sandford?

62 James Brown

63 Hayden Jones ? (a twin)

64 Ted Mandeville

65 Grace Smith

66 Lois Hill

67 Isaac Gleason

68 Sandford Hastings or perhaps Solomon?

69 Carroll Campbell

70 Joseph Spier or perhaps Walter Spier?

71 Joseph Anderson

72 Lydia White Sellick

73 Unknown

74 Mary Higgins

75 John Fuller

76 Margaret Fraser Street

77 Beulah Jones

78 Elizabeth Kelsey

79 Esther Marstaller Ruth?

80 Naomi Stevens

81 Robert Anderson

82 Nathaniel Street

83 David Sandford

84 Willie Anderson

85 Joel Gleason

86 Joseph Holland

87 Joseph Jones

88 Lemuel Parker

89 Joseph Wiley

90 Caleb Higgins

91 Olive (Street) Silvius

92 Natalie Dustin

93 Beulah Hicks

94 ? Marstaller

95 Marguerite Bailey

96 Mary Campbell

97 Rodney Gleason

98 Charity Brown

99 Mary Fraser Holland

100 Corinna (Hicks) Leighton

101 Mary (Hastings) Baxter

102 Esther Parker

103 Lois Abram

104 Helen Murray Page

105 Rebecca Holland Abram

106 Ariel Anderson

107 Jonathan Harriman

108 Eunice (Abram) Street Jewell

109 Robert Jewell

110 Mack McKenzie

111 Beulah Anderson

112 Lon Fuller

113 Persis (Brown) Wiley

114 David Hastings

115 Peter Fuller

116 Seth Anderson

117 Phineas ? Gleason

118 Ezekiel Jewell

119 Benjamin Sellick

120 Daniel Street

121 Andrew Parker

122 Austin ? Higgins

123 John Gleason or perhaps John McKenzie ?

124 Frank ? Gleason

125 Victor Murray

126 Daniel Fraser

127 Mary Bowen

128 ? Gleason or perhaps a McKenzie?

129 Pauline Dustin


Alphabetical Listing:


(Abram) Eunice Street Jewell      108

Abram Rebecca (Holland)             105

Abram Lois                                 103

Anderson Willie                           84

Anderson Robert                          81

Anderson Stephen                         54

Anderson Ariel                            106

Anderson Joseph                           71

Anderson Beulah                           111

(Anderson) Ruth Sweet                  28

Anderson Seth                             116

Anderson Hope Kelsey                     5

Bailey Almeda  ?                           32

Bailey Vinal                                  42

Bailey Marguerite                        95

Baxter Mary (Hastings)               101

Bowen Mary                               127

Bowen Willie  ?                            53

Brown Joseph or Eddie Nelson?   56

Brown James                               62

(Brown) Persis  Wiley                  113

Brown Charity                              98      Biographical info

Campbell Carroll                           69

Campbell Mary                             96

Campbell Gary                              19

Clement Lincoln                             41

Davis Grace Sexton                       10

Dustin Natalie                              92

Dustin Pauline                             129

Dustin Lola                                 12

Fraser Meta Marstaller              14

(Fraser) Agnes Sweet                  51

Fraser Daniel                            126

Fraser Howard                            21

Fuller Lon                                   112

Fuller Peter                               115

Fuller John                                75

(Gifford) Madeline Sexton          48

Gilbert Ethel Richardson             11

Gilbert James                             20

Gleason Phineas ?                        117

Gleason ? McKenzie?                     128

Gleason Joel                               85

Gleason Rodney                            97

Gleason Isaac                              67

Gleason Frank ?                         124

Gleason John or John McKenzie ?     123

Harriman Jonathan                     107

Hastings David                            114

(Hastings) Mary Baxter               101

Hastings Sandford  or Solomon?       68

Hastings Solomon  or Sandford?       61

Hicks Beulah                                93

(Hicks) Corinna Leighton               100

Higgins Mary                               35

Higgins Caleb                               90

Higgins Mary                               74

Higgins Austin ?                          122

Hill Lois                                       66

Hill Sheldon                                  59

Holden Lucille                                37

Holland Philip                                 55

Holland Mary (Fraser)                      99

Holland Joseph                              86

(Holland) Rebecca Abram              105

Holland Theodora Sandford            26

Houseler Hazel                                9

Hutchins Raymond or Charles Jones?    18

Jewell Robert                               109

Jewell Ezekiel                               118

Jewell Eunice (Abram) Street        108

Jones Beulah                                   77

Jones Hollis or Hayden? (twin)             60

Jones Ethel                                     46

Jones Hayden  or Hollis? (twin)            63

Jones Joseph                                   87

Kelsey Elizabeth                     78

Kelsey Ruth                            45

Leighton Corinna (Hicks)           100

MacArthur Edda                     31

MacArthur Elsie                     13

MacDonald Jeanette                       3

Mandeville Ted                             64

Marshall Lillian                               8

Marstaller David                           57

Marstaller ?                                  94

Marstaller Lydia                            36

Marstaller Charles                         40

Marstaller Esther Ruth?                79

Marstaller Louis                           16

Marstaller Lena                            47

Marstaller Louisa                          33

McKenzie Mack                            110

Mereau Eugene                              17

Murray Victor                             125

Page Helen Murray                        104

Parker Andrew                             121

Parker Lemuel                                88

Parker Esther                               102

Perry Alfreda Hatch                        7

Pierce Genevra                                4

Sandford Marguerite                      50

Sandford John                                23

Sandford David                              83

Sandford Esther                             27

Sellick Lydia White                        72

Sellick Benjamin                             119

Settle Elizabeth                             34

Silvius Olive (Street)                      91

Smith Grace                                   65

Smith Wilbur                                 52

Smith Beulah                                  44

Smith Daisy                                     1

Spier Joseph   or Walter Spier?          70

Spier John                                     39

Stevens Naomi                               80

(Street) Olive Silvius                     91

Street Margaret Fraser                  76

Street Daniel                                 120

Street David                                  49

Street Nathaniel                            82

Sweet Ruth (Anderson)                      28

Unknown                                         22

Unknown                                         25

Unknown                                       73

Unknown                                      24

White Lydia                                   2

White Evelyn                                 6

White Marjorie?                          38

White Avis                                   43

White Sarah                                29

Wiley Linwood                              58

Wiley Joseph                                89

Wiley Esther Matchett                 30

Wiley Clarence                              15

Wiley Persis  (Brown)                   113

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