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This is an Educational, Non-Profit, Informational Resource for any and all who are interested in "The Kingdom". Nothing here is "for sale", and hence there is no profit motive.  You are welcome to read, examine, or interact with anything at this web site.  Copying and distribution of what is presented here may only be done for non-profit, educational purposes that do not conflict with the copyright laws of the United States.  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed an interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

Introduction & Mission Statement

This Website is the result of the efforts of those who, in the course of their lives, have been associated with the religious sect known as "The Kingdom".  Founded in 1897 by Frank Weston Sandford of Bowdoinham, Maine, the sect flourished at the turn of the 20th century in the town of Durham in the State of Maine.  The image you see in the background is a sketch map of the community's environs as they appeared circa 1904.  (A more legible copy is depicted elsewhere at this website.)  Today the remnants of that religious community are scattered across the United States, but nonetheless continue to hold worship services at small enclaves known as Centers.  This website's editors, together with others who have made contributions to this effort are, or were, themselves affiliated with the organization.

The mission and goal of this site is, to the best of the editors' abilities, to inform you of the facts surrounding this sect, so that you may be enabled to draw your own conclusions.  For many years the complete history of the Kingdom was available only to the members of the church on a "need to know" basis, and that history presented in such a manner that a certain palatable image was deliberately cultivated.  Few individuals born since 1925 are aware of the movement's real roots, and it has been the lifelong ministry of some within church leadership to keep it that way.  It is our intent to present the past as objectively as we can, by posting as many original uncensored articles as space or time permits and are available to us. We do have our own opinions, but we will attempt to note our editorializing as such when the need arises. Our goal is not to offend, but to inform more fully than has been done previously.  We invite you to draw your own conclusions, and not necessarily rely on ours.  Due, however, to the controversial nature of the topic, some no doubt will take offense as this history is openly discussed. Again, our goal is not to hurt but to inform factually.   As individuals who have played out a significant portion of their lives affiliated with this organization, we, the editors, have developed our perspectives from an open and candid review of the facts available to us. It is through the prism of our own personal experiences melded with our review of the written historical evidence that we bring you this website. 

We welcome opposing views or opinions, but it is our wish that any such criticisms be backed up with evidence, and that evidence made available in full to all.  We reserve the right to reprint within this site any such contributions.  Learning to separate the good from the bad is a necessary part of life.  It takes accurate and complete information to be able to discern the "wheat from the chaff".  To that end we seek to provide factual information to any interested party regarding this group, and hopefully, in some quarters, to shed long overdue light within the corridors of Kingdom history.  The story of Frank Sandford's movement is only one of many similar well meaning Christian groups who along the road of lofty ideals lost the focus of their vision, and imploded on themselves.  We believe that much of the long hidden evidence, some of which is displayed openly on these pages for the first time in decades, will bear this out.  In so doing, this web site will make available to the world the stories, lives, personalities, triumphs and tragedies that embody "The Kingdom" (now known as The Kingdom Christian Ministries). 

One other item worthy of note.  It is important to realize that the church fellowship found today at Shiloh Chapel, Durham, Me., is currently disentangling itself from the Kingdom Christian Ministries.  It (Shiloh) is now an independent corporation,and its ministry is focused on Christ alone.   The Holy Spirit, through the current ministry team, is working to bind up the confusion and wounds which resulted from a ministry not totally centered on the Christ's gospel. Though Shiloh's roots spring from the soil of Sandford's quasi-Biblical doctrines, they, as individuals and as a unified church, are today earnestly seeking their role in the expansion of God's Kingdom on earth.

 Reginald Parker, Richard Sweet,  Editors


Play movie of Frank W. Sandford

Navigating within the site is accomplished via the word buttons in the left hand column of each page. Those unfamiliar with the Kingdom's story will find working from the top down the most practical. 

"Home" will always return you to this page, where you may choose another topic.

"What's New" will be posted monthly with new additions or edits, for all who choose to return and check what's new.

The "Up" button is found only within those topics that have nested pages, that is, "Up" will return you to that page's parent or root page of that particular topic.

Of course, as always, your browser's forward and back buttons are always available.

Be advised that whatever you choose to contribute will become the property of this website and its editors.  Any or all correspondence may be re-published or removed at our discretion.

This site was last updated... March 07, 2007

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