










Below are links we have contacted during the course of the research for this website.  You are invited to browse these freely.  The Kingdom currently has no official website of their own of which we are aware to which we could refer.  We hope these shown below will be of further interest.  The editors by including these sites do not necessarily endorse the doctrines or beliefs expressed therein.  Some will mention the Kingdom movement and Sandford specifically, while others will only be of general interest. Some of these are also linked elsewhere on this website. 

1 http://www.Whidbey.net/~dcloud/fbns/strange1.htm David Cloud's "Way of Life" Website

2 http://www.pctii.org/arc/timeline.html Dr David Hunter's Timeline IPHC website

3 http://www.intop.net/~tombaize/holiness.htm#N_17_ Pentecostal Holiness Church Website

http://www.iphc.org/100yrs/timeline/iha.html   IPHC Dr. Harold Hunter "Centennial Notes" Irwin/Parham/Sandford article

5 http://home.swbell.net/swinford/penthist.htm#N_20_ A Research Paper by Larry Swinford Ass. God Theo. Sem.

6 http://www.worldneed.org/arecomme.htm   Crisis Church Resource - Reading List

7 http://www.kcdata.com/~gah/  Church of Christ - Divine Authority Paper

8 http://www.upci.org/tracts/tongues.htm   United Pentecostal church International

9 http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/1271/topic9.html Church of Christ, Wise Va. Divine Authority Paper

10 http://www.indirect.com/www/crockett/gbhgp2.html#PriesthoodAuthority Hinkley's view on Divine Authority

11  http://bible.gospelcom.net/  The Bible Gateway

12 http://www.stbi.edu/cfp/intro.html   South Texas Bible Institute Chs. Parham Ctr. for Charimatic Studies

13 http://www.fullnet.net/np/archives/cyberj/hunter.html IPHC CyberJournal ~ Cross Currents of Parham, Sandford, Tomlinson, Dowie, and Irwin

14 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4948/vine3is5.html A Brief History of the Pentecostal movement, including the Latter Rain Movement

15 http://www.watchman.org/cat95.htm#Cult   Definition of a Cult

16 http://www.webzonecom.com/ccn/cults/reentry.txt   Coming out of a cult

17 http://unitypublishing.com/New%20Religious%20Movements/WhatSpirtPart6.html   A Catholic perspective on Pentacostalism, Sandford in particular.