Nathan Miller
Frank Murray
Murray DownEast
Robin Phillips
Rev. Kiefer
Mrs. Hastings
Herbert Jenkins











From time to time we will post personal testimonies of individuals who have been involved "up close and personal" with the Kingdom.  You will find that they run from the ridiculous to the sublime, and back again, and are as varied as the personalities and people who experienced them.  We will attempt to interview as many "old timers" as possible who are willing to have their interviews posted.  We will also flavor this section of the site with the "not-so-old timers" whose lives have been touched by the ministry of The Kingdom.

The first two postings herein have been in print for several years.  They are not testimonies, per se, but rather essays detailing their perspectives on Kingdom theology.  The first is from Nathan Miller, a convert during the 1930's who became a "hundred folder".  Mr. Miller served the Kingdom most of his adult life, but as he approached his retirement years, he felt led to leave the fellowship for a deeper calling.  His testimony here is reprinted from a small brochure Mr. Miller caused to have printed at his own expense in about 1980.  Since then, he has published his memoirs, which is cited in the website's "Read More About It" page.

The second testimonial comes from Mr. Frank S. Murray.  Mr. Murray is a Kingdom minister, grew up in the organization, is a Bates College graduate and received his Biblical training from Mr. Sandford personally, as his testimony bears out.  In his prologue to his book on the life of Mr. Sandford, The Sublimity of Faith, Mr. Murray confesses that he loved Mr. Sandford dearly, and that his perspectives will reflect that love and admiration. 

The third "testimonial" also by Mr. Frank Murray, is a letter sent in response to an article published in Downeast magazine in 1974 with regard to a forthcoming book about Shiloh and Frank Sandford by Arnold White.  His letter was not subsequently published in the magazine in its entirety, but is here.

The fourth article, quite contemporary,  comes to us from Robin Phillips, a former student of the Fairwood Bible Institute.  He vividly tells  what it was like to matriculate at the school, what was expected of him while there, and why he chose to leave.  He also offers an unorthodox yet interesting explanation as to how Mr. Sandford was able to perform the miracles his disciples claim attributable to him. 

We are reprinting these without editing, just as they were written by their respective authors.