The Children











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A genuine church is composed of souls moving with like minded faith as one, unified with a common focus, goal, and purpose.  This page is dedicated to the virtual heart and soul of the Kingdom.  Led by a man who could attract and captivate the imaginations of the most selfless, the Kingdom was composed of individuals who gave up everything they had by way of material wealth and holdings, and who by faith were bound in their hearts with a common vision.   They believed their leader could bring them closer to a goal they were not capable of on their own, namely, "This world for Christ in my lifetime".  

Whatever lofty spiritual heights Sandford believed his faith had scaled and attained were due in large part from standing on the shoulders, spirits, and bankbooks of the dedicated students and workers at the Shiloh Community who gave their all to "Christ's forerunner".   It is the families who came to that sandy hilltop at the turn of the century that deserved much of the recognition and admiration Sandford garnered as his.  Many of those prayer warriors suffered hunger and deprivation to a degree which we today can only associate with those living in the third world.  Their dedication and spirit permitted Sandford a means to minister from a position of relative comfort in contrast to their voluntary poverty.

Below we have provided, for all who have an interest in such things, a listing of the deceased interred at the Shiloh Cemetery.  Those in green are hot linked to the 1917 Shiloh membership list. Dates with an asterisk are not given on headstones but are from the membership list.

Flora     H.  Abram 6/16/1915 7/18/1997 “They shall walk with Me in white”
Rebecca  H.  Abram 9/01/1904 4/01/1993  
Sarah    F.   Abram 9/18/1869 12/10/1968 "She followed fully"
Victor    P.   Abram 10/17/1909 10/24/1977 "More than a Conquerer"
William        Abram 09/16/1867 07/28/1913 "More than a Conquerer"
Charles        Adams   1887   1913  
Charles        Adamson   1867*   1912*
Adelma   L.   Aldrich 11/28/1944 06/10/1957 “In heaven’s garden
Rose      E.   Aldrich 03/10/1918 01/20/1970 "Now at peace"
Deborah Sandford Anderson 08/--/1903 01/17/1989  
Gladys    L.   Anderson 11/19/1911 12/01/1975  
Hanah          Anderson   1908   1910  
Hope   Kelsey  Anderson 09/09/1894 01/18/1997 "A loving mother who cared for others"
Grace           Andresen    1913   1913  
Robert          Barber       
Leander  A.  Bartlett    1888   1903  
Mrs. David     Bartlett       
Albert     M.  Beach    1851   1917  
Angeline   M.  Bean    1842   1913  
Arthur     H.  Boardman       
Cynthia         Boardman    1841   1921  
Emily       G.  Borten    1850   1928  
Andrew     J.  Bowen 12/27/1875 03/09/1969  
Winford    J.  Bowen 07/17/1916 01/11/1992  
Levina       B.  Bremner    1855     1911  
Mary        E.  Briary    1828     1917  
David            Brown    1899     1900  
Myrtie      E.   Brown    1869     1946  
Nathaniel   G.  Brown    1865     1935  
Ruth             Brown    1909     1910  
Samuel           Brown        
Elizabeth        Buck    1848     1903  
Jessie      C.   Burnell    1867     
Ruth        K.   Cameron    1899     1975 "True to the faith, forever with the Lord"
Russell      G.   Card    1825     1907  
Etta     A.    Carpenter    1891     1964  
Ovando  R.    Carpenter    1890     1978  
Ola      M.    Casey    1881     1928  
Welcome       Clark    1846     1916  
Margarite      Cooil    1883     1917  
Clifford  A.   Craig 02/21/1909  12/04/1963 TEC4 549 MTR Ambulance Co. WWII
Delilah         Craig     1872     1957  
Eva             Craig 01/23/1915 12/29/1975 "His sheep am I"
Gladys    M    Craig    1897     1985 "Loving Mother"
Lona      P.    Craig    1904      1991  
Mark     A.    Craig 02/07/1907  02/16/1977 TEC5 US Army WWII
Murdice        Craig     1898      1967 "Precious memories"
Silas     W.   Craig     1872      1938 "Jesus doeth all things well"
Caroline Tupper Dunning Cropper 10/11/1944      
Martha   A.   Cunningham   12/26/1874


Margery        Davis  


Mary     E.    Day    1903


Angie    M.    Dean  


Julia     A.    Dunning     1865


Leon Llewellyn  Dunning   07/22/1915


Pearl            Dunning     1917


Elmer            Dunston    1899


Bertrum  C.     Dustin 06/28/1870


Elnora    A.     Emerson     1862


William   T.    Fenderson    1828


Nancy    W.    Ferry    1839


                  Fifield    1898


Eugene   F.     Fifield     1904


Samson   E.     Folkins      1880


Amy      T.     Fox       1864



George   A.     Fox                1860           1942  
Haliburton       Fox                1867           1939    
Daniel    M.     Fraser             1907           1973    
Fannie            Fraser            1845            1914    
George   W.     Fraser            1868            1915    
Isabelle  M.     Fraser         07/27/1866        06/06/1941    "Beloved"
Elisabeth H.     Fuller          04/19/1900      12/27/1900   
Florence  M.     Gaines            1879                 1917    
Lawrence  M.    Gaines      
A.Frederick      Gatzke            1872                 1907    
Caroline    F.    George            1868                 1914    
Sadie      E.     Gifford           1887                 1914    
Hulda             Gilroy             1865                 1914    
Lucie       E.    Girvin            11/25/1872    09/25/1944    "She gave her life for others"
John   Obed     Gleason            1906                 1906    
Estelle            Godfey            1875                  1947    
Blanche  Vivian   Godfrey           1880                 1921    
Jean      H.     Godfrey            1913                 1997    "Ever, only, all for Thee"
John    Adam    Godfrey                       1916        
Kneeland    C.    Godfrey           08/17/1880     12/17/1972   
Vincent     D.    Godfrey           08/19/1917     07/191992   
Amos  Charles Bunker Gott                                   1915                         Lottie       M.   Gott                 1895                 1916    
Mary Margarey Ransom Gott            

Ellen    M.       Graves               1843                 1909    
Emily   Elnora    Gray                 1881                 1905    
F.      Ientha    Greer            11/19/1863     02/08/1950    "Home at last"
Louisa  Shea      Hahn                1909        
Isadore           Haines               1848                  1921    
Clara    A.       Hallett               1824                  1917    
Ezer              Hardy                           1906        
Adnah    Guptil  Harriman             1878                  1962    
Joseph    Blood  Harriman             1880                  1959    
Clara    J.       Harrington            
Clarissa           Harrington           1833                  1916    
Elma              Hastings              1880                  1920                  
William    A.  Hastings  1874  1951  “I have finished the work which thou gavest" me to do”
Sarah      T.  Hewitt                  1831                  1917    
Annabelle  M.    Hicks                  1874                 1939    
Baby              Hicks            
Emily       A.    Hicks                  1845                 1910    
Grace       P.    Hicks                  1882                 1958    
Hiram      W.    Hicks                  1841                 1921    
J.       Cory     Hicks                   1871                  1951     "Peaceful"
Lowell     B.      Hicks                 1877                 1962    
Mabel     E.      Hicks       1873         1943     "Sometime we will Understand"
Matilda   F.      Hicks            
Mrs. C.           Hicks            
Ruth               Hicks                  1908                 1908    
Mary    Naomi    Higgins                1895                 1914    
Ruth      E.      Higgins            01/07/1900           07/22/1901   
Elizabeth          Hill                    1874                 1955    
Sarah       A.    Hill                    1845                 1921    
William     H.    Hill                    1869                 1932      "Safely landed"
Scott       P.     Hobart                 1962                 1963     “Our little angel”
Jay         W.    Holden                 1853                 1910    

Benjamin           Holland             11/13/1899          05/20/1990   
Caroline     W.   Holland                1867                1906    
Charles       E.   Holland                1869                1949     "Faithful and True"
Charles      W.   Holland                1931                1958    
Gertrude    G.    Holland                 1868               1971    
Joseph      S.    Holland                 1902               1992     "Faithful servant"
Mary        S.    Holland                 1902               1983      "Loved by All"
Philip       W.    Holland                 1901               1991      "Loved by All"
Phyllis       M.   Holland                 1942                1993    
Smyrna            Holland              5/14/1909        
William            Holmes                  1840               1922    
Lois                Holt                     1830               1906       
Homer        C.   Housler                  1857               1905    
M.     Isabelle    Hughey                  1873               1948   
Nellie              Hutchings               1880               1921    
Arthur  Maxwell   Hutchins                1885               1904    
Charles    W.     Hutchins                 1851               1903    
Emma       L.     Hutchins                 1858               1922    
Adeline     M.     Jackson                 1872               1943    
Annie       M.     Jackson                  1863               1932    
Eugene      R.     Jackson       05/22/1840    08/16/1922  Company G 20th Me. Volunteers
Frank       G.      Jackson           1858           1918    "He has fought a good fight"
Sophie              Jackson           1853           1940    
Carrie       B.     Jacquith           1861           1938    
Maude       E.     Jenkins            1886           1904    
Susie        A.     Jenkins            1861           1903    
Theodore           Jenkins            1896           1903    
Mary    A. N.     Jennings           1848           1913    
Florence Wiseman  Jewell             1877           1959    
George     E.       Jewell             1870          1934    
Ruth    Yeadon     Jewell             1903           1985   "Devoted loving wife and mother"
A.    Maude        Johnson           1882           1976    
Margery             Johnson            
Mary       A.       Johnson           1845          1914    
Elizabeth   G.      Johnston           1830          1914    
George    Fred      Jones              1861          1905    
Hayden    R.        Jones              1900          1913    
Martha    H.        Jones              1849          1913    
Maria      H.       Keene               1886          1967    
Ella        M.       Keirstead           1876          1965    
Kingman    F.       Kelsey              1893          1907    
Katherine           Kilpatrick           1872          1952    
Marguerite  A.     Kimball         05/01/1878     09/13/1959   
VanLora    Jean    Kimball             1918        
Warren    A.       Kimball        02/25/1875     12/30/1973   
Jasper  Eugene     King                  1909          1910    
Ethel       M.      Knight         01/03/1879     03/23/1970   
Everett     S.      Knight               1886           1951        "Harbor beautiful"
Bruce       B.      Koss                 1974           1980    
Alice       G.      Latham              1851            1920    
Susannah           Lawrence            1879            1948    
Charlena            Logan               1886             1908    
Augusta    A.      Logerovist       11/27/1947    04/29/1959
Henry               Lounsberry            
Elsie        B.      MacArthur         1893          1977       “Overcomer”
Helen        A.     MacDonald         1860          1933    
Jeanette    W.     MacDonald            
Florence    A.      MacDonnell         1846         1918    
Ella         M.       MacKenzie          1881         1974     "Redeemed, Redeemed"
Lester      S.       MacKenzie          1882         1980     "Redeemed, Redeemed"
Luella       L.        Marple             1854          1925    
Joseph              Marra                               1909    
Marie        G.     Marra               1834         1910    
Charles      T.     Matchett            1888         1910    
Esther              Matchett                      12/02/1899 "Green pastures Still waters rest"
Lester              Matchett      05/17/1897   08/27/1973   
Ethel               McAllister           1876         1933    
Myrtle G. Silvius  McAllister           1878         1951      "Beloved"
W.       A.       McAllister           1873          1951      "Faithful"
M.    Augusta     McCool              1867          1919    
Celia               McIntosh            1874          1944    
Caroline    C.     McKenzie             1912          1913    
Grace              McKenzie             1906          1906   
McKenzie twins           
Hannah              McLoughlin         1830            1907   
Alice    Maude     Miller              1873            1986   
David    L.         Miller                        1913        
Edward     W.     Miller             1875            1979   
Flora    L.         Miller             1887           1963   
Florence  Rachel   Miller             1916           1989         “Beloved by all”
George    E.       Miller             1879           1915   
George    J.       Miller             1891           1904         "Faithful"
Hephzibah          Miller             1902           1903   
Ida     M.         Miller     05/23/1875          01/24/1975    "Others"
Irene               Miller            1909             1979   
Joel                Miller            1899             1983               
Mary Margaret     Miller            1868             1922   
Rebecca            Miller            
William  Robert   Miller             1909             1910   
Clara    Annie     Miner                  08/18/1904   
Mary    Edna      Miner      03/03/1881            08/07/1902   
Clara               Mitchell           1886            1927   
Laura    E.        Moody             1875            1916   
Anna               Moores            1873             1903   
Katherine     H.   Munro            
A.    Gordon      Murray            
Emma    C.        Murray        1877             1955         "A mother to many"
Gordon             Murray        1884             1918   
Lester    G.       Murray        1911             1914   
Lois  Elizabeth    Murray        1905             1989   
Lucille    Page    Murray      05/10/1910     05/10/1979   
Clara              Myers           1873             1975         "At rest"
J.      Clara     Myers           1872             1955   
Juline            Myhre           1872             1954   
Ella     L.       Nichols         1854               1934   
James            Noble          1850               1932   
Frank J. Northrup    1865    1948  "The righteous shall He hold in everlasting remembrance"
Mary     Northrup               1879             1960   
Effie    M.    O’Connor         1880             1963   
Hugh           O’Connor         1871             1956   
Millie          O’Connor            
Victoria        O’Connor         1909         In eleven months
Diana    P.     Osman           1845              1915   
Alexanderson     Page           1878              1958         "Accepted in the Beloved"
Marian  Stratton Page        12/02/1886     12/29/1982   
Suzy    E.        Paine         1885               1952    "Faithful"
Helen    L.       Palmer        1859               1928   
Lucy    M.       Palmer         1850               1916   
Baby Parillo                      1902               1902   
Clarence  W.    Parker          1879              1942   "Sometime we will understand"
F.   Marie       Parker          1843              1927   
Frank    H       Parker          1912              1981    Sgt. US Army WWII            
Herbert Carroll  Parker       11/19/1919        3/22/1999
Mary    L.       Parker          1880              1952     "Sometime we will understand"
Augusta A.      Peacock         1845              1914   
Maude    L.     Peacock          1878             1904   
Vesta    A.     Peacock            
Alfreda  M.     Perry            1878              1955     "Devoted"
Austin    K.     Perry            1883              1946      "Anchored"
Dianne  Daggett Peterson    06/01/1957     01/15/1987    "for the joy set before"
Esther    C.     Peterson         1877              1960   
Gladys    E.      Peterson                 1912        
Lawrence    O.   Peterson   10/11/1918  02/05/1986   "the Coronet’s anchor is your Anchor"
Nelson      B.    Peterson      1952              1963   
Olof        J.    Peterson      1866              1955   
Perry       L.     Peterson      1946              1963   
Elizabeth          Phelps        1876              1909   
M.      Ella       Philips        1852              1934   
Genevera          Pierce         1879              1956     "Faithful"
Patty              Pierce         1881              1971      "Endurance"
Ruth               Preble         1847             1918   
F.     W.         Purdy         1862              1940   
Flora              Purdy         1867              1963   
M.      Agnes    Purdy         1862              1953   
Alice    M.       Pyne          1881              1953   
Dr. Charles E.    Reeder       1907              1946    "Lord, I gladly give my all"
Ellen    J.        Rice          1861              1920   
Anthony  Keith   Rix            1964              1982    "Beloved son of Paul & Leslie"
Mary        H.   Robinson       1859              1920                                    Carrie       E.   Rounsefell     1862             1930
Esther            Sandford      1899             1984     "All for Jesus"
Flora             Sandford      1874              1923   
John             Sandford      1897              1972    "A harvest of golden sheaves"
Mrs. Frank W. Sandford    04/22/1864   11/24/1941  “Little Helen Kinney, with her sweet and quiet ways” F.W.S.   She went around the world in his name and gave her lifetime in works for Jesus
Theodora        Sandford       1898              1986   
Lulu        I.    Sanford        1876              1949   
Rufus     E.     Sanford        1864              1945    "A soldier of the cross"
Margaret    A.  Scott     09/25/1874       12/19/1945   
Mary             Scott          1903               1903   
Ellen       F.    Seekins        1843               1914   
Lucinda          Selsbee        1834                1905   
Levina             Sharp         1834                1910   
Louisa             Sharp       04/10/1868      04/12/1934   
Pearl              Sharp         1882                1908   
E.     D.        Shaw          1862                1950    “A faithful man”
Elizabeth        Shaw          1857                1911   
George    F.    Shaw          1830                1909   
Ruth    Amelia    Shaw       ---                   1917   
Anna    Lenora    Shutts     1839                 1913   
Charles  Dunning  Shutts      1835                 1910   
Gertrude F.       Shutts      1865                 1945   
Lucinda            Silsbee            
Elma    Hastings  Silvius   01/08/1913    11/04/1956 "His lovingkindness endureth forever"
Lawrence  M.     Silvius   01/20/1908     03/27/1993    TEC 5 US Army WWII
Mercy           Small           1904        
Edwin    M.     Smith          1850               1912   
Estelle    G.    Smith           1879              1972   
Grace            Smith          1899               1964   
Isabelle  M.     Smith          1872               1964    "Do and teach great in heaven"
Mary     E.      Smith          1859               1917   
Mary     J.      Smith          1874               1937   
Mrs. G.   W.  Stanmore        1854               1907   
Elizabeth       Stevens        05/26/1905    age 4 mnths
Ella    N.      Stevens         1855                1942   
Erwin    H.    Stewart            
Henry          Stewart         1855                1917   
Mrs. B.    K.  Stewart         1821                1905               
David           Street          1901                1967    "Dearly beloved"
Ellen     F.     Street         1868                1966     “Warrior”
Margaret        Street         1900                1987   
Nathanael       Street      1902    1979    "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be accepatable in thy sight, O Lord"
William     H.    Street       1870                  1930    “Faithful”
Almon        Sutherland            
Jay    H.    Sutherland          1862                  1903   
Agnes        S.   Sweet          1898                  1985   
Arthur Wilfred Sweet             1870                  1950   
Aura        T.    Sweet          1913                  1962    "Breath of heaven"
Carroll      E.    Sweet          1945                  1968    "With the Lord"
Dorothy     I.    Sweet          1909                  1986   
Gleason     S     Sweet          1899                  1981   
Linwood    A.    Sweet           1903                  1948    "He gave himself for others"
Rena     York    Sweet            1879                  1964   
Robert    W.    Sweet            1909                  1997   
Mary     A.    Tibbets            1857                  1945   
Grace    M.    Trafton        12/16/1878          06/17/1980    “Selfless”
Ernest          Tupper         5/21/1877             10/5/1971   
Lucy             Tupper                 1905        
Sarah           Tupper        1/26/1882             1/19/1971
Thomas    M.   Tupper    05/05/1955              12/22/1958   
Joshua          Turvery            
Elma             Tyler            
Helen     M.    Tyler            1860              1949   
Chessed         Wakeman    02/18/1908     01/17/1991    "Steadfast love"
Doxa            Wakeman                  1911        
Mary   Emily   Wakeman           1873               1913   
William  Seth  Wakeman            
Susan  Martha  Walters             1837                1907   
Annie    R.      Webster           1885                1961   
Carl    R.        Webster    02/23/1908     08/20/1994    Sgt. US Army Air Corps WWII
Randall    F.     Webster          1881                  1957   
Charles    J.     White             1873                 1948   
Charles           White             1809                  1907   
Clara    J.       White             1872                  1947   
Clarence   A.    White             1889                  1910   
Edwin    P.      White             1862                  1946   
Elvira    C.      White            
Evelyn    K.     White              1895                  1916   
Lottie            White            
Luella    F.      White              1858                  1914   
Lydia    I.      White              1901                  1917   
Marger  Ann    White              1850                  1913   
Olivia     M.    White              1864                  1904   
Peace            White                        1907        
Almon    A.    Whittaker          1862                  1921   
Charles         Whittaker          1863                  1903   
Harry Edwin    Whittom   1880    1917     "I count all things but loss that I may win Christ"
Caroline         Wiley            
Mary    B.      Wills               1824                   1910   
Eliza    A.      Wilson          05/28/1853           09/09/ 1907   
Lydia            Wiseman            1845                  1907   
Emma    F.  Wolfe   1865  1943   "Thou Jehovah be high yet hath he respect for the lowly"
Philip    J.  Wolfe   1852  1939  "Thou Jehovah be high yet hath he respect for the lowly"
Abigail    S.     Wright             1849                  1917   
Ruth              Wright             1889                  1905   
Caroline            Wylie              1837                   1917   
Eliza     Yates   Yeadon             1883                   1928   
John     R.      Yeadon         08/24/1865   09/28/1942  "A faithful soldier of the cross"
Sarah             Young               1813                  1905

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Check these links out for further family reasearch:

http://www.rootsweb.com/~meandros/queries.html  this is the Androscoggin County "look up" web site for genealogical research 

http://www.rootsweb.com/~meandrhs/durham.html this is the Town of Durham genealogical research webpage





    Composer and singer, the daughter of Clara and James A. Parker, she was born at Merrimack, New Hampshire on March 1, 1861. She was raised in Manchester, New Hampshire where she met and married William E. Rounsefell, a bookkeeper for a paint and wallpaper firm there. As a singing evangelist, she toured New England and eastern New York State with a small autoharp. Later she became a member of the Church of God. Her hymn tune was used for 'It may not be on the mountain's height' by Mary Brown. She wrote her tune while attending a revival meeting of the Baptist Church in Lynn, Massachusetts. She died at Durham, Maine on September 18, 1930. Her hymn tune appeared in the Baptist Hymnal (1956)

  • http://www3.sympatico.ca/dmckilli/whc/index.htm Women Hymn writers website