Art of War 2
Art of War 3
Art of War 4
Art of War 5










His Writings: from The Art of War

The Art of War was conceived as a Bible Study delivered by Mr. Sandford to the students at Shiloh and published in 1901. In 1966, it was republished by the Kingdom and edited by Mr. V. P. Abram.  We have highlighted some of the changes that were made to the original document in order to let the reader decide for themselves the rationale for such edits.  These represent only several of the changes that were made throughout the document.


Red was deleted in 1966

People criticize us very much for putting a crown on this building, and they say, "He has a crown before His Lord. They have a crown upon the movement before the Christ is crowned." But if you will read the sixth chapter of Revelation which describes the great gospel sweep during the tribulation, the movement which carries everything before it, you will find that the rider has "a bow; and a crown was given him," and he goes forth "conquering and to conquer," conquering because a crown is given to him before he does conquer. There is a case where the gospel has its crown of authority given with which to conquer. That great God who knew all about it, without our thinking or knowing what it meant, led us to put the crown on these buildings as a sign that God had given authority to this movement to break the powers of darkness and to see the world evangelized in the name of our Master. Oh, how I thank God for a crown to wear here and now! Joshua was a king, and he had a crown of authority all the time. We have been commissioned, and we have a crown of authority on our heads; hallelujah ! and every one of you can reign as great a king as you will. We shall have some delightful times dividing and parceling out this earth before we are through: but just now I confine myself to the strong, inspiring note of divine authority, to our God-given commission, fitting us to upset the powers of hell and to make Satan know that one who will not be turned aside has arisen in Israel, that the Christ within the tabernacle of the believer is rising in His majesty, and that the "Man of Sorrows" is at last as King of kings arising to shake terribly the earth. Let us bow before Him.


Blue text inserted

People criticize a man of God for speaking with authority.                                                                               But if you will read the sixth chapter of Revelation which describes the great gospel sweep during the tribulation,                                                                               you will find that the rider has "a bow; and a crown was given him," and he goes forth "conquering and to conquer,"conquering because a crown is given to him before he does conquer. There is a case where the gospel has its crown of authority given with which to conquer.



Oh, how I thank God for a crown to wear here and now! Joshua was a king, and he had a crown of authority all the time. We have been commissioned, and we have a crown of authority on our heads, 



the strong, inspiring note of divine authority, to our God-given commission, fitting us to upset the powers of hell and to make Satan know that one who will not be turned aside has arisen in Israel, that the Christ within the tabernacle of the believer is rising in His majesty, and that the "Man of Sorrows" is at last as King of kings arising to shake terribly the earth. Let us bow before Him.

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