









His Writings: from The Art of War page 2

from Chapter 2   1901 edition


Red text omitted 1966

And now over in the 4th chapter, vs. 11-13, we have a statement that this command was obeyed to the letter. "And it came to pass. . .that the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the halftribe of Manasseh, . . . about forty thousand prepared for war passed over before the Lord unto battle, to the plains of Jericho." Thank God ! The command of Moses, written in the Word of God, applied sharply by Joshua, brought forty thousand warriors into the battle-field for the Lord of hosts; and I pray God that the Holy Ghost will so baptize these words I am speaking today that forty thousand warriors from the length and breadth of this land shall be stirred to leave their comfortable homes to deliver the elect throughout the world from the power of the antichrist.

Oh, I am so glad that they answered as they did. I am so glad the shameful spectacle of rebellion and stubbornness and continual arguing and mutinying was now at last over. How beautiful are these words in the 1st chapter, vs. I6-I8: "And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go." Thank God, His mighty whiplash in the wilderness had conquered Israel. "According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death."

I want you to understand there was one movement where people could not go running around the country as much as they pleased, claiming to be Israelites, and saying, "Joshua doesn't control me, I guess I can serve God myself." Oh, God had whipped that stuff out of Israel. Six hundred thousand carcasses, the whitened bones lying there in the wilderness, proclaimed that they could not trifle longer with God on that line. And the picture was so awful it made them know that if they didn't obey Joshua, God's appointed man, it was certain death. So loyal were they that they rose up and said, "Whoever disobeys you we will kill." That is going to be the secret of this world's evangelization: a company of people so loyal to God's appointed leader, so loyal to God's own Word and God's own authority, so loyal to God's own plan that they will say, "No mercy whatever on any man, woman, or child who rebels against God-given authority." Death, spiritual death. as it was in the days of the apostle, when he "delivered" church members "into the hands of Satan," when they turned from apostolic authority, until they had learned to obey and not to"blaspheme." At last we are turning back to the divine plan, God-given authority, acknowledged,loved and defended by a company of people that loyally gather around their divinely appointed leader saying,"Do all that is in thine heart; we are with thee."

Then they added one other sentence: "Only, Joshua, one thing we must demand of you, and that is this:'Be strong and of good courage.' We will follow you, but you must have courage. You must handle us and deal with the enemies of God; and as long as you are full of courage, Joshua, we will stand true to you with all the power we have."

That was the statement of what they would do; but, do you know, there are a great many people who will say, "Lord, Lord," while they bathe the altar with tears of consecration and sanctification, but when they come to read the Word of God will not be "doers of the Word." When they read, "Seek not what ye shall eat or drink," "Seek first my kingdom," "Labor not for the meat that perisheth," "Whosoever renounceth not all that he hath cannot be my disciple," "If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and come, follow me," "Every one that forsaketh houses and lands, etc. shall have a hundredfold,"-when they read these verses they haven't the slightest idea of ever obeying them.. It is all theory and talk. Oh, the holiness associations of this country! They make me sick. They talk, and "do not." Talk about holiness, and leave out the very Word of God, which is the means of their sanctification. People all over this country talking about"Pentecostal Power," when there never was a Pentecost that swept over this globe that did not take every penny the assembly had. And they fight me as they fight the devil when I preach the very thing that took place when there was a Pentecost. They are saying, "Lord, Lord," and not "doing" what God says. They profess that they know Him, but in works they deny Him. God is calling a halt. God is raising up a company of people that say and do.


from Chapter 2  1966 edition



And now over in the 4th chapter, vs. 11-13, we have a statement that this command was obeyed to the letter. "And it came to pass. . .that the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the halftribe of Manasseh, . . . about forty thousand prepared for war passed over before the Lord unto battle, to the plains of Jericho." Thank God ! The command of Moses, written in the Word of God, applied sharply by Joshua, brought forty thousand warriors into the battle-field for the Lord of hosts; and I pray God that the Holy Ghost will so baptize these words I am speaking today that forty thousand warriors from the length and breadth of this land shall be stirred to leave their comfortable homes to deliver the elect throughout the world from the power of the antichrist.

Oh, I am so glad that they answered as they did. I am so glad the shameful spectacle of rebellion and stubbornness and continual arguing and mutinying was now at last over. How beautiful are these words in the 1st chapter, vs. I6-I8: "And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go." Thank God, His mighty whiplash in the wilderness had conquered Israel. "According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death."

I want you to understand there was one movement where people could not go running around the country as much as they pleased, claiming to be Israelites, and saying, "Joshua doesn't control me, I guess I can serve God myself." Oh, God had whipped that stuff out of Israel. Six hundred thousand carcasses, the whitened bones lying there in the wilderness, proclaimed that they could not trifle longer with God on that line. And the picture was so awful it made them know that if they didn't obey Joshua, God's appointed man, it was certain death. So loyal were they that they rose up and said, "Whoever disobeys you we will kill."








Then they added one other sentence: "Only, Joshua, one thing we must demand of you, and that is this:'Be strong and of good courage.' We will follow you, but you must have courage. You must handle us and deal with the enemies of God; and as long as you are full of courage, Joshua, we will stand true to you with all the power we have."

That was the statement of what they would do; but, do you know, there are a great many people who will say, "Lord, Lord," while they bathe the altar with tears of consecration and sanctification, but when they come to read the Word of God will not be "doers of the Word." When they read, "Seek not what ye shall eat or drink," "Seek first my kingdom," "Labor not for the meat that perisheth," "Whosoever renounceth not all that he hath cannot be my disciple," "If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and come, follow me," "Every one that forsaketh houses and lands, etc. shall have a hundredfold,"-when they read these verses they haven't the slightest idea of ever obeying them.. It is all theory and talk. Oh, the holiness associations of this country! They make me sick. They talk, and "do not." Talk about holiness, and leave out the very Word of God, which is the means of their sanctification. People all over this country talking about"Pentecostal Power," when there never was a Pentecost that swept over this globe that did not take every penny the assembly had. And they fight me as they fight the devil when I preach the very thing that took place when there was a Pentecost. They are saying, "Lord, Lord," and not "doing" what God says. They profess that they know Him, but in works they deny Him. God is calling a halt. God is raising up a company of people that say and do.

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