









His Writings: from The Art of War page 5

The Almightiness of the Future. (1901) p37

We are coming to the greatest manifestation of miracles the world has ever witnessed. Not one Lazarus, but millions of them breaking the sod and coming forth clad in immortal youth.

And as if that were not enough, He will take the living persons who are worthy, and change the very flesh on their bones. He practically says, "Before I get through, if you will behave yourself, I will give you such a sense of healing that there won't be anything weak in any part of your being; you will be changed in a moment; you will have an instantaneous healing "in the twinkling of an eye." "Changed," with a body "like unto His glorious body."

The grandest things the world ever witnessed are on us. Do you want signs and wonders? Why, one of these days we will see Elijah and one of his assistants. He will only say the word, and waters will turn to blood. His enemies will come against him and a sheet of flame will suddenly burst out of those saintly lips and burn up his enemies before his eyes. If it was wonderful to have fire come from heaven and consume two detachments of fifty soldiers who were sent to take ancient Elijah, what will it be when fire comes out of the very mouth of modern Elijah?

Talk about miracles! Why, the Word of God says that they shall have power over "all Plagues, as often as the will." that is absolutely unlimited judgement power, and anything and everything that these witnesses see to be in the interests of God in punishing His enemies and in controlling nations and compelling the world to bow its knee to its Maker will take place any day, at any hour, at any moment they will it and express it.


The Almightiness of the Future. (1966) p118

We are coming to the greatest manifestation of miracles the world has ever witnessed. Not one Lazarus, but millions of them breaking the sod and coming forth clad in immortal youth.

And as if that were not enough, He will take the living persons who are worthy, and change the very flesh on their bones. He practically says, "Before I get through, if you will behave yourself, I will give you such a sense of healing that there won't be anything weak in any part of your being; you will be changed in a moment; you will have an instantaneous healing "in the twinkling of an eye." "Changed," with a body "like unto His glorious body."







Talk about miracles! Why, the Word of God says that they shall have power over "all Plagues, as often as the will." that is absolutely unlimited judgement power, and anything and everything that these witnesses see to be in the interests of God in punishing His enemies and in controlling nations and compelling the world to bow its knee to its Maker will take place any day, at any hour, at any moment they will it and express it.

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