









`His Writings

The Sent One

This work, written in 1942 by Sandford, is one in a series of similarly styled articles.  He produced, during this period, several works divided into one hundred numbered thoughts or points. , In his book Sublimity of Faith, Sandford's  biographer Frank Murray indicates that during the latter years of his life Sandford preferred this style to the sermon format Sandford previously had used.  This work, known as the "The Sent One", was seventh in the series.  Another similar work, "The One Hundred Utterances", is also included elsewhere on the website.



By: Frank W. Sandford 1942

1. At the close of the Sacred Writings, that is those known as "The Old Testament," are these striking words: "I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the Great and Terrible day of Jehovah come."

2. That "day" looms upon us: it "appears in an impressively great form" as the days pass,

3. Some think these words refer to ancient Elijah. He lived under the law which "made nothing perfect." How, then, could he possibly "perfect" the bride to stand beside the Bridegroom at the close of the gospel age, never having experienced the gospel himself?

4. Thus it will be seen that Elijah under the law must be an altogether different character from Elijah in the full blaze of the gospel.

5. Many think this subject synonymous with "the false prophet." To listen to the usual so-called spiritual "teachers" along this line, one would think the denominational world was judge rather than God Himself.

6. R. Kelso Carter wrote us years ago comparing our labors with those of another character in Chicago; in reply to which communication were written these words: "All I know about it is, "that God said, 'Elijah is here.' I presume He knew whet He was talking about. Yours truly.

7. There is a sense in which he "is here," for his powerful personality has pervaded the twenty-eight centuries or more since his birth.

8. For eighteen years he was emphatically the "man of God' of the ninth century before Christ. No one but Jezebel questioned that fact; for they had seen him call fire out of heaven.

9. When he ascended, he imparted "a double portion" of his spirit amazing spirit to his successor, Elisha.

10. So remarkable was the spirit of the departing one as manifested through his follower that for sixty years at least he dominated the house of Israel as "the great man of God." Miracles took place on the right hand and on the left. He even captured an army, and it seemed as if there were nothing beyond his power, in the name of Jehovah of hosts.

11. Evidently high heaven was pleased by such a manifestation of the prophetic spirit. How cheap the kings seem in comparison to such men! It was as though the Most High said: "This is too good a thing to pass from the earth; I will take his spirit for the two forerunners of the Son of God when He appears and later reappears on the earth" (i.e., at His first and second comings),

12. Accordingly, more than eight centuries later, Gabriel the archangel, said to the father of the forerunner: "he shall go before His face in the spirit and power of Elijah"- Luke 1:17.

13. This did not mean that he was "Elijah"; far the angel made the statement: "Thou shalt call his name John." Elisha had "the spirit and power of Elijah," but his name was Elisha. John had likewise the spirit and power of Elijah" but his name was John.

14. Hence, when the priests asked, "Art thou Elijah?" his instant reply was "I am not." Elisha might have been called "an Elijah"; but he was not the "Elijah" prophesied in the last chapter of Malachi.

15. Whoever teaches that John the Baptist was the Elijah which was to came in Malachi (the fourth chapter) is making a liar out of the First forerunner; for he denied that.

16. "Jamieson, Fausett and Brown" -- has the proper idea:

"John the Baptist was an Elijah in spirit, but not the literal Elijah: hence, when asked 'Art thou Elias, he answered, I am not.' "

As there is another consummating advent of Messiah Himself, so also of His forerunner, Elijah. Even after the transfiguration, Jesus speaks of Elijah's coming to 'restore all things' as still future, though He adds that Elijah in the person of John the Baptist is come already in a sense.

"The words, 'Before the dreadful day of Jehovah,' show that John cannot be...meant: for he came before the day of Christ's coming in grace-not before His coming in terror."

17. The "spirit of Elijah," then, dominates much of the Old Testament and the new as well; that is, as characteristic of the two great prophets in the past and the two forerunners in the present age.

18. When God said, "Wash My lambs," (1901) He meant, "Wash away denominationalism" -everything that divides the body of Christ into "divisions" contrary to the Bible. For instance, we had at our center deeply consecrated people who believed in no baptism whatever others who believed in infant baptism; still others who believed in sprinkling but only after one came to intelligent belief ; then those who believed in immersion; and actually we had one character who had been sprinkled by Presbyterians, immersed by a Baptist preacher, and finally immersed three times by Dr. Dowie: What unity could there possibly be in such a conglomeration?

19. Yet, when God said, "Wash, my lambs," He said it, very tenderly, He Loved them-they were not sinners-they were His own. And all this took place before God spoke to my own soul as to my prophetic personality. That baptism took place in October; the statement, "Elijah is here-testify," in November.

20. The words, "The mantle of Elijah is fallen upon thee" may have been of God though the classical language aroused my suspicion lest I be a snare of the devil. However, God settled that in November when He practically said. "You may cease talking about it and declare it as a fact."

Possibly Some or My Boyhood Experiences May Be Helpful

21. My mother was a daughter of David--one that walked and talked with God. I wouldn't have the memory of her life taken from me for $10,000.00 in cash.

22. As a boy I wasn't altogether pious;l but in spite of my faults and failings I revered and respected my mother's religion; and it would have gone hard with any young man who slurred her piety in my presence. In other words, while professing no religion whatever at that time. I appreciated the woman who possessed it and demonstrated the same in her daily life.

23. The first day I attended school as a child was a day of terror to my soul. Unknown to myself, it was the little prophet who was to meet the mobs and cruel treatment years later. It spelled: the passing from the loving atmosphere of home--out into the wild.

24. That same fear of others was experienced as I drove a loaded cart down a hill behind the barn. The harder I pulled to hold back the horse, the more I pulled myself or was joggled off the seat. To my horror. I fell, fearing lest the horse would kick me, or that the wheels of the loaded cart would break my limbs. Finding myself safe, I went straight to an apple tree and knelt down with an "I don't care if Frank Given does see me, Spirit," and thanked God for the preservation of my life. "The fear of man" did not "snare" the young boy that time.

25. Even the fear of our barnyard terror--"the old Ram"-did not keep the frightened boy from saving his two little sisters. He flung himself from a place of safety to protect them: and he prays and believes that there will never be a time when he won't fling himself out in behalf of the flock regardless of consequences to himself.

26. This spirit pervaded his soul at the time of conversion. He had just taught the toughest school of his lifetime (two teachers had been carried out) He returned at the conclusion of the thirteen-week term to find a revival in progress at home.

27. But when it seemed utterly beyond him to ever make a public start, he rose to his feet with an "I'll do it if it kills me" spirit, and asked for prayers.

28. That was the martyr who years later will lay his life down in the Holy City. "I'll do it if it kills me" at the beginning, results, at the close of life, in the tragic scene of Rev. 11:7.

29. Hence the ordinary acts of life to such a character meant more--very much more--than similar acts to young men about him. Unknown to himself, he was a Prophet, and must act sincerely-absolutely so--in order to have the favor of Jehovah.

30. At the Fitting School in 188O, but a few weeks after his conversion, they were about to cut up some prank on the Professor. "I am a Christian," was his answer-"I cannot do that. Years later one of the young ladies present said to him in college, "I never admired a man in my life as I did you when you said that. We girls didn't want to any more than you, but we were cowardly. You stood forth and uttered exactly what we wanted."

31. An infidel--the finest student in the School-asked him to act as catcher for a team in the city of Lewiston. "Yes, I'll catch for you after I have attended Fast day service." The "sneer" on that face didn't affect him in the slightest.  He attended his service, and then caught, utterly unmoved by the ridicule.

32. Ridicule will never drive him - NEVER. Instead of weakening him on this occasion, his spirit was steel. You cannot drive a real man of God out of the standard which his God demands. No man is worthy of being followed who can, or who will, or who does, in the slightest degree compromise with his conscience.

33. When he entered college, though the weekly prayer meeting was held but a half hour, his testimony rang out clear for his Maker during: the Freshman, the Sophomore, the Junior, and the Senior years. Not in a single service was his testimony lacking. He was outspoken for God, and regular in his petitions throughout the four years.

34 Following my graduation from college, my pitcher sought me out at my mother's home, asking me to catch for a team composed of representatives of the four colleges of the State. As he expressed it, "I have no catcher who can hold me."

35. I agreed to do this, but refused all remuneration. I had no desire to become a professional baseball player. They made me captain of the team, but I followed God, and my testimony was heard regularly at the religious services in the city.

36. On one occasion Bowdoin College asked him to address the students at a Y.M.C.A. service. He did so, taking as his subject"Our National Game." How his heart was gladdened when among his former opponents he saw two hands raised for prayer: one the first baseman; the other the captain of the team. "I couldn't stand that home run, Sandford", said the latter, Thus God signally blessed his labors, because of his entire conscientiousness in life.

37. The hunger for the best things was deep seated. At Bowdoinham Ridge he gave his heart to God and was soundly converted. As a representative of Bates College at a Y.M.C.A. convention in Biddeford he was led to a life of utter consecration by a businessman of Boston--H. M. Moore.

38. After a year in the Theological School he said to God "Is this the best thing You have for a Christian?" In reply to which came the words: "Blessed are thy that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." Then followed "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" at the seashore which brought the tears to his eyes on many an occasion.

39. At Old Orchard camp ground he went to the altar for sanctification: not that he liked the Holiness talk, for he never did. It always seemed artificial to him. But, as he said on that occasion. "If you were God Almighty, you would do pretty good job on a man if he wanted it done."

40. When representatives of their belief asked him to assist them in the ordination of a young minister they made a great mistake. The searching question he asked the candidate: "Do you get sanctification at an altar service simply, or do you get it by applying the truth strictly to your life? For instance, Jesus Christ said, 'Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy Word is truth."

41. Can a man run in debt when God says, 'Owe no man anything,' and be sanctified?" Ah, it was as if an iceberg of 250,000 tons had suddenly been introduced into the service. Probably every one of those ministers was in debt, and got his groceries on time, paying for them occasionally. Anyhow he suddenly became persona non grata. He was never asked to assist in a Holiness service again.

42. At Mr. Moody's Summer School for Colleges he acquired the habit of always proving his statements by the Word of God. He will for ever feel grateful to that anointed man because of his loyalty to the Book-an example which he has followed, and will always follow to the conclusion of his life.

43. At the Christian Alliance gathering he learned to believe in Jesus Christ as a Healer; and also of that great and glorious Doctrine--His imminent coming to earth for the second time, that is, as our King.

44. As to healing: the "ifs" and "ands" seem to be endless. Mr. Totten translated it: "they may possibly become well" (Mark 16:18) Well of course we all laugh at that; but I know of people who have, and people who haven't. Of Course if there is sin, or unbelief, or lack of obedience, we know the answer will not come. But when all the conditions are met faithfully, and. when God says, "Suffer," what do you know, and what do you not know?

45. In my own body I have been healed distinctly of six different diseases, one of which at least would have proven fatal; yet I have also at this very moment several others which apparently have not been even in the slightest degree affected by years of prayer. What does it all mean? Only God knows; and you as well as I must "follow on." In order to experience the fulfillment of being "led into all truth."

46. For many years I have felt that infidelity in the movement was going to hinge on whether our people, got into the supernatural sufficiently to have their diseases healed. You may be lazy spiritually and fail to do this; but the sicknesses of life will eventually find your neck; and when they do you either believe or you doubt; you either go triumphantly through the things you can't understand and graduate with a "Well done" from high heaven, or you become, regardless of your religious talk, an out-end-out infidel at heart.

47. The Master was "made" something for us-"made sin." If we are not "made" the opposite, then we are not believers. He was "made sin" that we might be "made righteousness," and if our righteousness isn't as emphatic as were our sins before He took them upon Himself, then our theology is a farce - an out-and-out farce.

48. In other words, it is only those who are emphatically righteous who are going to be translated; and the battle of translation hinges right there - as to whether my parentage reckons from the "last Adam" or from the first one.

49. If from the first one, I am doomed. If from the last One, I am "righteous even as He is righteous," and have a right to expect to be caught up on high.

50. But He was "made" something else than "sin": the Hebrew of Isaiah 53:10 is. "He was made sick." And why? That we might be made the opposite--well. Our healing on earth spells our healing for eternity, body, soul and spirit.

51. And you cannot fool Him. He knows whether there is a jot a tittle lacking in your spiritual life. If so, your righteousness is faulty. If not, your righteousness is His. He will have no shams around Him in the Palace of Eternity. You must GET THERE: body, soul, and spirit--habitually and absolutely so--if you wish to know the thrill of translation.

52. Fiery trials, Yes. But not more "fire" than you need to make you absolutely purified. Can't understand it? It isn't necessary. He does, and that's enough. Believe Him, and go on with Him.

53 "Haven't anybody to stand with me"? Well, how about the Holy Spirit? Who, seeing the "infirmity" on my part, "makes intercession for me according to the will of God"-Romans. 8:26,27. Is the Comforter of any importance in this battle for a blameless body, soul, and spirit?

54. What about Him Who "ever liveth to make intercession" for me on high? Heb. 7:25. Are His prayers for me of any importance whatever? "Nobody to stand with you"! Is the Holy Ghost "nobody"? Is the Son of God "nobody"? They both of them are on the job this minute. Shut up about having "nobody to stand with you," and stand with Them that Their prayers may be answered.

55. "The sent one" is "sent" to utter these words to you and to yours, and "he that is sent of God speaketh the words of God"; and you are getting them. Rejoice in the Lord; pitch right in and be as wholehearted as the man talking to you, and all is well.

56. And after all, we are only harmonizing with the prophet Malachi; "I will send you Elijah...": yes, but But for what purpose? "To turn the heart." and that is what he is doing. The very utterances are turning your heart or hearts. You know this as well as I. And what will be the result? The heart being "turned," there will be no occasion for "smiting" that part or the "earth" which you represent. In other words, the religion you are listening to is turning the curse away from the globe as a whole, and "making ready a people prepared for the Lord": "prepared," not for His first coming, but for His final coming.

57. In other words, you can't get along without Elijah, provided you wish to meet God with acceptance--the Terrible God. His ministry is preparing you every single minute as you hear these words read; and as in future days you meditate upon them, and harmonize with them, you will be preparing those around you to meet Him, and yourself for translation into His very Presence.

58. In Gen. 49:24, 1.c he is called "the stone of Israel," In Daniel 2:34 and 35 this stone is "cut out," that is, separated from humanity to bring to "powder" everything in the kingdoms of the earth contrary to the divine will. It isn't wise to trifle with that character, or to assume that he is of no special importance to you personally,

59. In Malachi the 4th chapter he is called "the Prophet" of Israel: his mission, not to the head in argument, but to the "heart."

60. In Zechariah 4:2 he is referred to as the priest of Israel. After thirty years' separation from denominational labors, his work was spoken of as "The Golden Candlestick"; that is, the work of the high priest in his care for the Temple.

61. In Ezekiel the 34th chapter he is referred to as a "shepherd prince" of Israel; l and as such, conformity with his teaching is essential for all those who are to dwell in the Holy Land; that is, preparatory to and while Christ is on earth.

62. On April 14th, 1893 he was shown as the authority of God on earth to the kingdom. "Remove the covering cast over the face of all the earth " was the great commission to "each" one.

63. He is also the "restorer of all things spoken since the world began" -- Acts 3:21-23, Hence the awful importance of his mission in revealing the true significance of the Book: this was evidenced in the supernatural erection of the five structures which crown the hilltop in Maine.

64. Finally, he is the former of "the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of all the earth:--Zech. 4:14; Rev. 1:3-13

65. As "the messenger of the covenant" (Mal.3:1 A.S.V) he must see that his people are led out of all error, and into "all truth" regardless of the fiery trials essential to bring this about--Mal. 3:2,3:

"But who can abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: and he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he will purify the sons of Levi, and refine them as gold and silver; and they shall offer unto Jehovah offerings in righteousness. "

66. It doesn't matter that he will, try to do this: he will actually "purify the sons or Levi" so that there will be teachers "sent of God" as well as himself, who will bring about the things that are entirely pleasing to the Almighty.

67. This was fulfilled most remarkably at the Feast of Ingathering 1941. A person had enclosed a gift to Jehovah, and later wrote a letter of confession indicating that he had no right whatever to be present at the gathering.  How could that vile insult become acceptable to the Holy One? "The messenger of the covenant" confessed it publicly, cleansed it by the blood of the lamb (that is, the polluted money enclosed with the other "gifts" but unknown) and made it "acceptable" to God in so remarkable a prayer that everybody felt the difference through the whole room at once, "It was so real," one man stated, "that we didn't get over it all the afternoon." Surely the offering was "made pleasant" in Jehovah's sight. As another person expressed it, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." (The man may not have been a "son of Levi," but the principle was the same.)

68. There are a thousand ways in which "the shepherd," or "the stone, " or " the prophet, " or " the priest, " or "the shepherd prince," or " the restorer of all things, " or " the messenger of the covenant" has fulfilled, is fulfilling, and will continue to fulfill the sacred words of Scripture till his mission an earth is finished.

69. It is a great thing to know "the day of His visitation"-- the occasion on which the Son of God appeared to men when on earth; or the day of His visitation when John is sent; or Elijah the prophet nineteen centuries later-- it is a great thing not to become unduly familiar with such men, but to hold them in honor and reverence as much as the Supreme Being has done in sending them; and thus, by the right attitude in receiving His prophet" profit thereby.

70. When you quote Elijah to further your own interests, you are trifling with dynamite. I know of two believers years ago who laid a certain matter before me. I simply listened--neither assented nor opposed. Yet years later they quoted that as though I had agreed with them, which is an absolute falsehood. You had better get to the end of such trickery, for the "seven eyes of God" know all about you, and will deal with you properly when the right time comes. It it is dangerous to quote him to further your own interests, what about the unutterable peril of misquoting him?  It might put the fear of God if not the love of God in your soul to read Matt. 18:23-35. If you wish the benefit of January 1st, you'd better have the right attitude toward others.

71. And you cannot demand that he shall satisfy your curiosity as to his appearances, or non-appearances before men. Moses was with the people until God called Him on high. Then for nearly six weeks he was absent. Later this process was repeated. Now who can dictate to the originator of the Bible as to his coming or going?  And similarly, who can dictate to the man who is to lead into the fulfillment of the law of God given by Moses--lead us on from height to height until the "law is fulfilled in us"--who can dictate to him as to his activities any more than you could to the great lawgiver himself in olden time?

72. Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the doctrine?" In answer to that question I will state: "It will not be 'lovers of pleasure.' It will not be little babies who have what are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts": they who deny themselves infantile pursuits that they may know God.

73. Away, then, with that damnable thing called curiosity. It is one of the greatest rivals that Jesus Christ ever had. Christ or Curiosity--which shall I serve? I have been more afraid of that thing in my people than I have of the world itself with all its horrors. Seldom can you trust a person--they must know the "why" and the "wherefore." A prophet must be left entirely with his Maker; and to that degree that you do this, you are a good warrior--a success in the sight of high heaven.

74. Who is "the friend of the Bridegroom"-the real friend I mean? It is the one who is more desirous of fixing your attention upon the Absent One -- the Lover of your soul--than fixing your attention upon the speaker; to get a following for Him rather than a following for himself; to fit you to stand faultless by His side without a thought as to his Own interests.

75. The first forerunner wasn't worthy to take up the sandals of his King and the second one doesn't wish to be seen or thought of only as he can thereby further the Master's desires that He may later on find Loveliness by His side.

76. Do you really wish to understand God's methods? Do you have an ambition to be something else beside a little puking child? Do you want to be a real man of God? Do you wish to be a woman of God? Well, if you do, you will enjoy the weaning process, for you are now going through it, I haven't written a line to anyone since the "remission," And why should I? That act is the sublimest act this side of Jesus Christ taking up the mortgage against the earth.

77. Until you enter into the meaning of that act-its length and breadth and depth and height--your progress will be confined to your little nasty, small-sized "bowels." I have been shocked beyond measure at the utter lack of understanding the meaning of that act on the part of the ministers. There isn't so much as one of them that has attracted my attention seriously -- a few " heartbeats," that is all.

78. The only decency I found commensurate with the greatness of New Year's message was found in Michigan: one man who had made an ass of himself in a first-class manner and was glad to get out of it; another party whose words were found and quoted in the College World; a third who had been a fizzle from the word "go," in the Bible Class. I shall always feel warm-hearted towards Michigan because there were at least three people out there who had wit enough to know how little they had known, and yet had sense enough to appreciate what they had escaped from.

79. There were some other individuals whose appreciation was entirely satisfactory, but they were not numerous. There isn't a quitter who should not have danced with joy. One man up in Canada had wandered far away. For twelve years he had been a slave to tobacco--a backslider--a disgrace to the church-one that utterly misrepresented his father and had broken the heart of his mother.

80. When he heard that marvelous story he came out of the service "a changed man." Tobacco was no more. God was all. And it was nothing but the "remission" that did it, God help the scribes and Pharisees to have as much wit as that out-and-out sinner!

81. I would advise each man and woman that professes to believe in Jesus Christ, and who has expressed that belief in the Elijah baptism, to make certain that their appreciation will pass inspection when the seven eyes of God look through the person and his or her life, If you are in false doctrine there, woe unto you!

82. I do not believe that the Kingdom as a whole has either recognized or experienced one tenth of what they should have felt, and that many of them, not even one hundredth part of what is decent in the sight of our Good and Gracious God.

83. At each meal I ask God to bless the Kingdom with the same grace manifested New Year's day; and of late I have added that He will manifest that "grace" by healing their bodies, directing their souls' activities, and perfecting their spirits that they may be the answer to the apostle's prayer (I Thes. 5:23,24). I advise you to do something else than murmur a lazy "Amen." You had better get stirred--stirred to the depths of your soul.

84. I advise you each to take a day of fasting and prayer over this subject that you may enter into the length and breadth of it-- that you may understand God's wonderful grace: "by thy words thou shalt be justified; and by thy words thou shalt be condemned"--Matt. 12:37.

85. How many would fail of condemnation along this line? And yet the Master took a great sponge and wiped out all your "words" --your unscriptural speech--previous to January 1st.

86. And what about the thoughts of the past? "He that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already with her in his heart." What about the awful significance of your thoughts nights? And they were all blotted out as if you had never had one up to January 1st. Oh, that men and women had wit enough to Praise God for His goodness!

87. What about the deeds - - "the deeds of the flesh?" "He that doeth these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."-- Gal. 5:19-21, That was hell and damnation for any person that had "the works of the flesh" rather then "the fruit of the Spirit," Yet God Almighty sent all of those "deeds" as well as the "words" and the "thoughts" reeling into utter nescience, into nothingness -- non est--a thing of the past.

88. I know of things confessed to me by a minister that were enough to damn his soul and yet he has less appreciation than the State of Michigan--ten times less--yes, I would say a hundred times less. I wish he was fool enough to know himself as God knows him and sees him,

89. It wouldn't hurt the ministers a bit if they got together and spent three days fasting and praying until they get something into their souls that can lead the flock somewhere else than down the valley of flesh-potism. They have shocked me. They have disappointed me. They have failed to be leaders of the flock. They have lived a natural-minded life. The most of them are full of carnality and are breaking God's commandment --mentally if not outwardly. Oh, that men would have wit enough to remove old varnish when it spoils the look of the furniture!

90. "Poverty of spirit." It's the only way to inherit the kingdom of heaven, You can quote the words, but without that "poverty" of soul, the kingdom is not yours and never will be. There is hardly a thing that I get from one of the ministers that be speaks new, God-given thought. It is natural-mindedness, shrewdly gathering up scriptural passages to get up a sermon in his own interests. There isn't a word I utter hardly that isn't something new to you; and there is hardly a word from the ministry that ever gives me anything "new," Away with that rattletrap stuff and give us instead "the man of God"! - one who bespeaks the Maker.

91. And you men and you women that put up with such stuff instead of demanding the real man, and the real woman of God-you are solemnly responsible; "like people, like priest."

92. Knowing you as I do, I wouldn't dare vouch for your translation. Mine is recorded in the Sacred Writings, but if I trifled as you are trifling I would be full of fear lest that translation would never take place. I advise you to be in dead earnest one and all. I have to be, and you must be in order to keep step with me.

93. And if you do not follow me, you are doomed. He said that were it not for Elijah's ministry He would "smite the earth with a curse." That shows I am right and not wrong in my hot language to you. Change like lightning if you wish to follow me. Otherwise you will be held responsible for rejecting "the sent one."

94. As you hear these words read in October, I will have attained unto that which indicates the divine favor--"by reason of strength four score years" .-Psa. 90:10. I do not care for any special remembrance other than in your own interests; but I advise you to spend October 1 and 2 (i.e. that portion of it that is in the Feast) in waiting on God that we may not be separated from the man on the mountain, and that he may be able to accomplish up there what we need down here: that is, the answers to his supplications in our behalf,

95. The apostle, several years before his execution at 67, referred to himself as "Paul the aged" - - Phile. 9. David, who lived to be seventy, is spoken of as "very old"; yet God has been gracious to His servant in that he is today twelve years older than the former, and nearly ten years older than the latter. In view of this fact, it would seem proper to express our public appreciation to the Supreme Being.

96. There have been costly gifts presented to him without a word acknowledgement: a wool robe-oh such a fine one-that has taken the sting out of the night air an many an occasion and caused him to bless the giver. Woolen underwear from Canada-"Loving kindness" as it were personified, "That priceless overcoat" presented by the men! with its removable wool lining! That priceless car in this hour of need--special need! BUT you must one and all remember that the man is on the mountain top. He may never write another line to a human being. Do not think it strange if you are "weaned" and well "weaned" that you may follow on in his footsteps as did Joshua on one occasion. Amen! and Amen! and Amen!

97. The conclusion of this article makes seven hundred questions or thoughts concerning the Sacred Writings. For some reason the fifty questions about Pisgah stopped short. I could not write another one. I wondered if it might be something like the three and a half years of ministry-three hundred and fifty questions. I began the second with another fifty about the Coronet and Armageddon. Whether I shall continue further in taking up the Book remains to be seen. However, if I am bidding you farewell, I sincerely cry out to high heaven Chat you may fairly devour all that has been written in your behalf --that not a jot or tittle may be lost in fitting you for the presence of your King.

98. Jehovah-jireh: ''and he went forth conquering and to conquer." Then the wonderful golden likeness of the Yacht with the words "She sailed on conquering and to conquer, and her mission was before her." There is no need that you can ever have, or I, but what is met in the marvelous word, " Jehovah-jireh." Whether closing this age or throughout the succeeding one, or throughout the ages to come, your needs are met and well met.

99. In view of this fact, the soldiers and the sailors: the men of God and the women of God; the daughters of the Almighty and the sons of the Most High can and will, and do successfully meet the sons of Anak and overcome every difficulty which would seek to prevent them from the highest attainments.

100. We will all stand and receive the benediction:

"Jehovah bless thee and keep thee; Jehovah make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; Jehovah lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace:

So shall they put My Name"--the Name of the Great and Terrible Jehovah-the Name of the Great and Gracious Jehovah-"so shall they put My Name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them!"

                                                                    Your life

                                                                                            must say "Amen!"

                                                                                                                or your religion's a farce.

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