









The Roots (Cont.)

A View of the Development of Simpson's Work ( quoted from the C.& M.A . website)

"The Christian and Missionary Alliance was founded in 1887 by Dr. Albert Benjamin Simpson. The C&MA family includes over two million people in 57 countries.  We have a history rich in ministry. The cornerstone of our National Office building in Colorado Springs is a visual reminder of our roots. It was first laid at the Gospel Tabernacle in New York City in 1889.   Worldwide we are linked to other believers who share a passion to reach those without Christ through The Alliance World Fellowship.The message is Fourfold Christ our Savior, Christ our Sanctifier, Christ our Healer, and Christ our Coming King."

Chronological Highlights of C&MA History

1843 Dr. Albert Benjamin Simpson born to James and Jane Clark Simpson at Bayview, Prince Edward Island.

1847 The James Simpson family moves to Chatham, Ontario.

1858 Albert Simpson believes in Jesus as his Savior and is convinced he must preach the gospel.

1861-1865 A. B. Simpson begins and completes college and theological studies at Knox College in Toronto.

1865-1873 Dr. Simpson pastors Knox Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ontario. During his tenure 750 people became members of the church.

1874 Dr. Simpson gives control of his life completely to God.

1874-1879 Dr. Simpson pastors Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky.

1875 The Whittle/Bliss citywide evangelistic campaign in Louisville radically alters Simpson’s view of the Christian ministry. Evangelism is now his priority.

1875-1876 Dr. Simpson continues Sunday evening services in public halls.

1880-1881 Dr. Simpson pastors the 13th Street Presbyterian Church, New York City.

1880 The monthly missions periodical, The Gospel in All Lands, is inaugurated.

1881 In August Dr. Simpson is miraculously healed of a heart disorder during a vacation at Old Orchard Beach, Maine. A few months later he is baptized by immersion in a Baptist chapel in New York City. Then in November he resigns his pastorate to begin independent evangelistic ministries in NYC.

1882 Dr. Simpson conducts evangelistic meetings in several public halls. The first issue of The Word, Work and World, forerunner of Alliance Life, appears. The Gospel Tabernacle Church in NYC is organized and grows to 1,000 members within a few years. Dr. Simpson starts Friday afternoon meetings for consecration and healing.

1883 Dr. Simpson organized The Missionary Union for the Evangelization of the World. The Midnight Mission on 27th Street is opened by women from the Tabernacle. It is the first of several rescue missions. The first Healing Home is opened at the Simpson's residence. It is the forerunner of the Berachah Homes. The first classes of the Missionary Training College are held at 446 Eighth Avenue, NYC.

1884 Simpson conducts the first fall convention for deeper Christian living and evangelism. Visitors come from several states.

1885 Dr. Simpson speaks at the Bethshan Conference for Holiness and Healing in London, England, where he delivers the sermon "Himself."

1886 The first Simpson convention at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, is conducted. The assembly calls for an alliance for the promotion of missionary work.

1887 The assembly of Old Orchard votes to form two societies, The Christian Alliance and The Evangelical Missionary Alliance. The Board of Directors of the Missionary Alliance appoints its first missionary candidates, the William Cassidys, to go to China, and Helen Dawley to India.

1888-1890 Thousands of Christians in the United States and Canada join The Christian Alliance. About 20 missionaries are sent overseas.

1890 A building for the Gospel Tabernacle at Eighth Avenue and 44th Street in New York City is dedicated. Dr. Simpson calls for a prayer to accomplish the purpose of The Missionary Alliance. Prayer pledge cards were distributed and returned to Alliance headquarters.

1891-1897 A period of rapid expansion of missionary activity.

Between the turn of the century and Simpson's death in 1919, there developed a schism within the alliance, focused around the tenet that one must experience speaking in tongues to be fully baptized in the Spirit.  Simpson evidently never personally had a Spirit baptism manifesting itself with a tongues experience.  He was quite troubled by it, even as he saw many of the organization's best workers drain away to those organizations that supported the issue.  A five year gap in his diary exemplified the frustration he experienced in seeking God's will on the issue. [Ed.]

"While Simpson consistently defended on biblical grounds the legitimacy of the gift of tongues, both his experience of Spirit baptism and that of the Alliance collectively prior to 1907 had little direct exposure to charismatic manifestations immediately accompanying a "crisis experience" subsequent to conversion-regeneration.... The initial evidence doctrine was then later developed as the biblical rationalization for this nontraditional manner of receiving the Spirit."   "A. B. Simpson and the Pentecostal Movement" by Charles W. Nienkirchen p.109

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