
Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Denial is such a powerful barrier,keeping us from the truth, from freedom. We were so well armed against it by the teachings, by the culture in that church. Since this website went up I have learned so much more than I'd even imagined, things which have confirmed and helped me to make sense of experiences and memories I hadn't been able to sort out before. This website does a great service to all of us who are recovering from involvement in that organization. Simply telling the truth can be such a powerful thing. Thank you, Reggie and Dick.
Glen Rickerd <grickerd@ccnet.com>
Pittgburg, CA USA - Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 05:22:27 (EST)

I am finding this website extremely helpful in gaining an understanding about my great great grandfather and his doings. Thanks.
Greg Sandford <sandfordg@student.northpark.edu>
chiago, IL USA - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 17:57:33 (EST)

I was interested to see a web site dedicated to the kingdom inc. (doesn't deserve caps), I have to admit I question wether it deserves a place in history or not, never the less it is history, good or bad. I haven't had time to read very much yet but I'm sure I will find time, so far it seems to be protrayed very diplomatically, not sure I could do so, but more power to those that can! I guess it is hard to convey the pain caused by the movement in words, a look at the lives affected by these arrogent men might be more beneficial in saving future generations from making the same mistakes. Mankind seems to like to be told what, when, and how to live, Not exactly what God intended I'm afraid... Good show though! Marshall
Marshall Adams <marshala@kfoc.net>
Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 23:05:58 (EST)

Good work! Keep the faith!
Bob Sweet III <rmsjj@rma.edu>
Linden, VA USA - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 12:53:10 (EST)

I wish to congratulate you for this fine assortment of the colorful historical background of the Kingdom, Inc. Both sets of my husband's grandparents were early members soon after the turn of the century who had lots of stories to tell. Some were very interesting...some heart-breaking. Robin Phillips' Testimony clearly stated exactly how the Bible is to be read, believed, and obeyed, for IT is the only true Word of God, from God. It was very accurate and to the point. I appreciated his openess and the clariety with which he expounded on major Scripture interpretations. Thank you editors, for this great illumination, and may God richly bless you for your honesty and dignity in this presentation to all who read this.
Ruth E. Fraser
USA - Thursday, March 11, 1999 at 21:31:57 (EST)