









`His Writings

The One Hundred Utterances

This work, written in 1942 by Sandford, is one in a series of similarly styled articles.  He produced, during this time, several works divided into one hundred numbered thoughts or points. , In his book Sublimity of Faith, Sandford's  biographer Frank Murray indicates that during the latter years of his life Sandford preferred this style to the sermon format Sandford previously had used.  This work, known as the "One Hundred Utterances", was eighth in the series.  Another similar work, "The Sent One", is also included elsewhere on the website.


THE TWO GREAT PROPHETS   One Hundred Utterances Concerning Them

By: Frank W. Sandford 1942

I. Who They Are Not:

1. They are not "the two witnesses";

2. They are not "the two forerunners";

3. They are not the two characters usually considered as such in modern thought.


II Who They Are:

4. Two men each begotten by an earthly father: "of thy brethren."

5. "Like unto me": my father was Amram, and the other man will have an earthly father as I have.

6. At this point the denominational world (captured as was Samson "and with both eyes put out") concludes that the other prophet must be Jesus Christ.

7. But how can He possibly be "like" the man (son of Amram) when instead of an earthly father His mother hears such words as those found in Luke 1:26-33?

8. How can "the Son of the Most High" be "like unto" Moses the son of Amram?

9. How can the son of Jochebed be likened to "the Son of God"? Luke 1:34 and 35.

10. Could any conclusion be more utterly absurd?

11. The apostle Paul condemns such blindness when he refers to Moses as "the servant in the house" while he likens the Messiah to "the son over that house"--Heb. 3:1-6.

12. The Messiah is "the Incomparable One" inasmuch as He is the only Man in the history of this earth with a virgin for a mother and the Supreme Being for a Father.

13. Away then with the false doctrine that compares Him with any other mere man!

14. Now suppose that Time is over - - the Judgment of the dead concluded- - while "Earth flees away."  Who is the "Incomparable One in connection with this planet?  Who are the two great prophets (always excepting Him--the God-man)? Moses--who began the Sacred Writings and Elijah--who restores them in their entirety so that the Word of God is actually found "written in the fleshly tablets of the soul."

15. This includes the former on the Sacred Mount listening to the Bible as its very words are spoken to the legislator (Deut. 5:31): and thereafter to all the products of "holy men moved by the Holy Ghost" to the time of the seer of Patmos sixteen centuries later who closes the Canon.

16. Then thirty-four centuries later than the Mosaic experiences this other prophet "before the dreadful day of Jehovah" must "restore all things" and see that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is "written in the fleshly tablets of the soul," i.e., in the very heart of the kingdom of God on earth.

17. Now are these tremendous labors less difficult than those given Moses at "the burning bush"? He led two and a half millions of people out of Egyptian slavery; but how many of them had God's Word written within? They had the handwriting of God on the two tables of stone in the ark; but how many had actuality written within their very hearts? At least Caleb, and Joshua, and Eleazar the high priest.

18. Now was the penalty for disregarding the words of the one prophet greater than that for disregarding the words of the other? Not a whit: "And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My name I will require it of him."

19. In other words, if you do not wish to hear My words, I will give them to Moses, but I will require your obedience just as thoroughly as though you heard them from Myself.  AND ALSO the same is true concerning "the other prophet before the dreadful day of Jehovah."

20. Throw yourself out of gear, then, with the false doctrine of the denominational world, and into gear with God Himself: what He has to say about this subject.

21 Solemn words by Moses--his last month on earth: "Jehovah thy God will raise up unto thee--a prophet-- from the midst of thee, of thy brethren like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; according to all that thou desiredst of Jehovah thy God in Horeb in the day of assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of Jehovah my God; neither let me see this great fire any more that I die not."

22. "And Jehovah said unto me, They have well said that which they have spoken. I will raise up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee; and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." These words reveal absolute confidence on the part of the Supreme Being in the utterances of the coming one - - a statement that he is as dependable as was Moses himself.

23. And Jehovah adds, "It shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My Name, I will require it of him: require it exactly as I would have done at Sinai when they begged Me not to speak any more at the giving of the Law."

24. "Hearken"..."Hearken"... "Hearken... "Hearken. " Certainly Jehovah has done all He could do to prepare the kingdom of God on earth to hear and heed his words when he appears.

25. And in harmony with this thought, the two great representatives of I Am are placed side by side at the conclusion of the 0ld Testament: "Remember ye the law of Moses My servant which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and ordinances." And in the following verse: "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of Jehovah come."

26. "Hearken" unto the former; and "Hearken"..."Hearken"... "Hearken"..."Hearken," as saith the Scriptures, unto the latter. If there is to be any difference whatever, honor him who brings the Gospel as well as the Law.

27. For it is the Gospel which saves the day. The pen of inspiration has written: "And he shall turn the heart." If you have captured the "heart," you have won out. "I will not smite the earth with a curse when I see the power of God let loose in human hearts."

28. "The law fulfilled in us"! That is the sublime triumph. God's greatness introduced on earth! This is the Glad Tidings indeed! This is the handwriting of the Invisible One within.

29. More than this is unnecessary. The extermination of the human race is turned aside for "the elect's sake," and these are the "elect" who have the law of God fulfilled to the letter within.

30. "Ye are the salt of the earth," Alleluia! for the preservative power of the Glad Tidings let loose within the heart of man! Oh, appreciate "the salt," one and all: the soldiers, the sailors, the true believers here and there scattered throughout the earth!

31. Hence the cry on the banks of the Jordan: "Art thou the prophet?" or, as it is in the KJV "Art thou that prophet?"

32. When the reply was "No," there was disappointment. When the true reply is, "Yes," it spells His appointment, and let us all be glad!

33. Why baptizest thou then if thou be not...that prophet?" And what does the Twentieth Century say? "Wash My lambs." I am baptizing with a special baptism because I am "that prophet."

34. "Who do men say that the Son of man is?"..."Some say...one of the prophets." Had the Master been "that prophet" He would have said so plainly that His disciples might have understood. This is equivalent to a declaration that He was not "that prophet"- -Matt. 16:13,14.

35. When the Master did a mighty miracle in multiplying bread and fishes, the multitude cried out: "This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world." Had the Master been "that prophet" He would not have discounted their words by withdrawal.

36. In Acts 3:2 Peter referred to his translated Lord as absent from earth "until the times of restoration of all things," (i.e., by the prophet Elijah, the one to "restore all things.")

37. And adds, according to the KJV, "which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began." Hence this subject is preeminently Scriptural. It has occupied the attention of every single man sent to proclaim God's truth.

38. He then introduces the words of the legislator concerning the restorer:"Moses indeed said, A prophet shall the Lord God raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me; to him shall ye hearken in all things whatsoever he shall speak unto you. And it shall be that every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people."

39. These words harmonize with those in Malachi: "Who shall stand when he appeareth?" (3:2) This is a statement that the uncompromising speech will confound humanity, and that only as they minutely conform to the words of the living God can they be adjusted to the Great I Am.

40. In Acts 3:26 Peter adds: "Unto you first God, having raised up His Servant, sent Him to bless you in turning away every one of you from your iniquities"; the thought being "and will send you Elijah second to prepare the globe for His coming again."

41. No more serious harm could be done to the comprehension of the Bible than to take words which referred to Elijah and apply them to Another person. What would you think if the command which forbade Moses going into the Promised Land were taken and applied to Jesus Christ?

42. On that basis His whole mission to earth would be that of a "stumbling block." Well, that twisting of the Sacred Writings is the very thing that has taken place with reference to the second prophet: words intended for him are applied to the Son of God, and thus the Scriptures are twisted out of their true meaning.

43. Hence, when this man appears, he is belittled by the theft --the dishonest use of the Sacred Writings which has taken Scriptures applying to him and put them upon Another Person to Whom they do not belong.

44. Our great enemy is thus seeking to belittle the mission of the herald of the Coming King,"the messenger of the Covenant."

45. And that misuse of truth cannot for a moment be permitted. Paul had much to say because his mission was similarly misunderstood, and his labors on earth thereby endangered.

46. "Out of much affliction and and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears." I used to think in my early ministry that the apostle had too much to say about himself; but he had to do this in order to preserve his standing. It was necessary to "magnify his office" that his communications might have proper "weight."

47. First had come the Master with miracles so marvelous that they almost transcended belief. He selected the twelve apostles of the Lamb, trained them, and fitted them for even "greater works." Now what chance did the apostle Paul have when he received a message from the Supreme Being making him an apostle to the Gentiles? He had no standing whatever with the Jewish world; and very little with the apostolic one.

48. Yet he knew God had spoken: "for I neither received the gospel of man; neither was I taught it, but it came to me through the revelation of Jesus Christ." Hence the "herald and apostle" to the Gentile world must necessarily "magnify his office" on an equality--absolutely so--with that of the apostles of the lamb.

49. And the writer of this article is driven to act similarly that his own standing among believers may be exactly what the Sacred Writings properly applied make his office to be. In fact he definitely asked God for "the spirit of Paul," received an answer, and thus understands the difficulties experienced by that remarkable man.

50. Hence as the ancients have expressed it: "The Right Faith, The Right Knowledge and The Right Way" are essential to the proper conclusion.

51. "Ah, but why do you quote India to us? Why don't you quote the Master?" For the same reason that Paul quoted Epimenides in Titus 1:12.

52. Who originated the multiplication table? "Why don't you quote the Master instead of using it?" Who ever originated "three times four makes twelve"? If it is true, we have a right to use it.

53. "Well, but you are identifying yourself with infidels and atheists in your practice. They all used the multiplication table." Yes, but again Paul comes to our rescue and states that we should "use the world" but not use it in a wrong way--I Cor. 7:31.

54. We have as much right to use the multiplication table as we have to use the Bible inasmuch as both are true. Mathematical exactness is matched by inspirational truth.

55. Of course there may be ten thousand variations due to various translators, but what was actually in the Old Testament in the original at the time the Master spoke was truth-- entire truth--and nothing but the truth--"the Scripture (which) cannot be broken."

56. The Master prayed THAT into us in His last solemn prayer in the City before death: "Thy Word is truth"--"Sanctify them" by its application to their lives in the future.

57. Now let us continue our investigation of the Sacred Writings with a view to the proper application of God's Word to the Prophet under consideration.

58. In Genesis 49:24 "the shepherd" is called "the stone of Israel." In Daniel 2:34 this "stone" is "cut out" by an Invisible Power--i.e., "without hands." The very language employed in the breaking of the antichrist power (i.e., "without hand") sets this man apart from humanity for special usefulness. "Cut out" by the power of the living God, he "smites the image upon his feet." (Had it been the Master at His first coming He would have "smitten" Rome upon its legs rather than upon "his feet.")

59. The Power that finally smites the antichrist is let loose in the interests of his exact opposite--the forerunner of the Christ.

60. Hence the words in 1902: "Renew the kingdom," were backed up by the Supreme Being; and their result is today (forty years later) a recognized spiritual movement devoted to the evangelization or the globe.

61. That "kingdom" is the--"it"-- which finally "breaks in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold"; and as the young man declared to the king: "The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure"--Dan. 2:27-45.

62. Whether this subject interests you or not, it profoundly impressed Nebuchadnezzar, the most glorious monarch of ancient time, for "he fell upon his face and worshipped Daniel" declaring, "Of a truth, your God is the God of gods, and the Lord of kings...a revealer of secrets, seeing thou hast been able to reveal this"--i.e., the dream.

63. Again this prophet is referred to as "a priest" (and, by the way, he could have been referred to as "an apostle" or as a ''shepherd prince," or in the various ways that men of God are often referred to in the Book. The Master is not only a Prophet, an Apostle, and a High Priest, but also is the Coming King. And one who precedes Him to prepare the way among men for His coming must likewise be manifold in his characteristics and activities.)

64. As "a priest" he is referred to in Zechariah the 3rd and 4th chapters. I had been dwelling in the heights of a mountain hard by. For forty days we were to seek the outpouring of the Spirit (daily morning meetings of forty minutes each). When I entered the farmhouse December 17, l922, and stood there listening to the prayers as I leaned on my staff, I heard the words, "The Golden Candlestick."

65. As I wrote in my Bible:"Exactly thirty years ago today Jehovah separated me from the dross of denominationalism by giving the message, "Go!" Oh, such a wealth of affection and meaning in the loving, thoughtful message!" He loved the product of my life work; and "The Golden Candlestick" represented the priestly activities since that message of long ago.

66. It also represented reality. It was no tinsel show--no outside appearance merely. It was gold in the center as much as on the outside--the real thing. "I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich." I had done this for nearly a third of a century, and God Himself bore witness in this rare way of His heart interest in what I was doing on earth.

67. It was the fulfillment of "he shall sit as a refiner... and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and refine them as gold." (Following hard after the Master's words, I am omitting the cheaper metal. It is there, however, for those who do not crave the best.)

68. This man represents Authority in an Absolute Sense, inasmuch as the Voice said, after giving the Great Commission April l4, l898, "Oversee it." It matters not what the nations think, or what Israel itself stands for--that's what God Almighty said: and by the grace of God no man shall ever dilute it.

69. The prophet referred to is called "the restorer"-- "the restorer of paths to dwell in"--Isa. 58:12. There isn't a passage from the beginning to the end of the Bible that has not been perverted, twisted, belittled, ignored, or unduly magnified. "The restoration of all things spoken since the world began" (and I might add, "all things written to the conclusion of the Canon") must be set properly in order to please the Divine One soon to appear "with Power and Great Glory."

70. Believe it or not, when He fixes His eye on you, you will rue the day you listened to these words carelessly, heedlessly, hopelessly--as though God's commands could not be obeyed on earth--as though it were necessary to go on high in order to be able to obey the Supreme Being.

7l. So tremendous are the issues in connection with "the messenger of the covenant" that the Very Wedding of the Future--the Great Day of Rev. 19:7,8--actually depends upon these truths spread before you in 1942.

72. How solemn are my responsibilities! How fearfully momentous are these utterances in your soul's behalf! For Christ's sake, heed the words of the representative of God that you may be approved a little hence.

73. Listen: "behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which My covenant they brake, although I was a Husband unto them, saith Jehovah. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Jehovah: I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah; for they shall all know Me from the least of them unto the greatest of them"--Jer. 31:31-34.

74. Now how much deadly earnestness is needed to have that fulfilled to the letter in just one soul's interests? How much to have Judah handled? How much to have Israel buckle and bend? How much to have the Gentile world reached? These are the real issues that must be fought out day by day in the City, in the House of Jehovah that we be not found "wanting" in 1942.

75. And every minister that doesn't get there just as I am getting there in this language is not fit to be called a "minister." Our occupation on earth must have something higher than eating gingerbread. I feel like asking the whole flock to pray for somebody to be raised up that has wit enough to baptize people who want to be baptized and can't be. The damnable stuff that "can't get there"; and the more damnable stuff that "won't get there" for no other reason than "it isn't my convenience"! In other words, the flock can go to hell for all of me till I get good and ready myself to do something in their behalf. Such a devilish spirit ought to be cuffed off from the face of this earth. It isn't fit to live one day.

76. Why is Mrs. O'Connor going without the Lord's Supper? Is that her husband's act? Is that John's act? Is that Mr. Tupper's act? Is that the general overseer's act? If so, the whole set ought to be kicked into space. I want a report from each one of you.

77. The quotation from Jeremiah is repeated in Hebrews 8:8-11 with this change: instead of "inward parts" (Hebrew), in the Greek it is "in their mind." This shows it is not enough to get truth into your brain-- it must percolate down till it reaches your heart. The most of our movement is mental, or at least a large proportion of it is so more or less. Deadly earnestness will get out of the natural man into the supernatural and get God's real thoughts. Without that, this Scripture is not fulfilled in the kingdom. Now get down and pray the subject home.

78. The third passage (in Hebrews) on this subject is found in 10:16: "My laws on their heart, and upon their mind also will I write them." This shows that both are essential in a proper restoration. You must not be merely mental, nor on the other hand, be merely emotional. You must get there thoroughly in both respects, or our work is in jeopardy. God will have reality; and we must say, "Amen!" in our daily lives to bring this about. Now pray, and do so effectively.

79. The prophet as a "shepherd prince" is revealed in Ezekiel the 34th chapter. Here we see his real heart in caring for even the most undesirable--those with broken limbs-- those with "disease"-- those being misused by stronger members of the flock. Let us all be thankful for the man with a "heart"; and I hope the ministers will be able to speak (however faintly)--to say, "Amen!" Now I am laughing at you, brethren. "Have a heart! " Let the little children stay up as long as they want to Christmas evening.

80. And see that the entire movement becomes one great loaded Christmas tree of blessing to all men on the face of this earth.

81. As to the "two witnesses": I have no desire to express myself about them until I can see two or them laying their lives down daily and walking together in absolute unity; and producing "a great revival all through North America." Until that part of the Commission is carried out, it is, in my opinion, a Farce, and nothing else.

82. He was appointed to have a revival in this continent just as he had a most remarkable one at Chebeague. The revival is almost wholly mental; and there is no spirit of a revival sweeping North America at this moment; and so far as I can see, there never will be unless another is appointed to bring this about.

83. If he doesn't like this kind of talk, then he can do what he was told to do in the first place. If he can only produce a remarkable revival in connection with the Methodists, then he is a Methodist, and not a representative of the kingdom of God.

84. If he doesn't care enough about being a success to be one along the highest lines, then he is a carnal worker, and not controlled daily and accurately in the things of God. If the kingdom thinks I am abusing him, why doesn't the kingdom get there and get their prayers answered? I might ask myself the same question, for, with the exception of one person, I have never had such a pill to pray over in my life as he has proved to be.

85. God help us both--me to get my prayers answered and him to fulfill the vision that Edna Fonda had!

86. In that vision I was out of sight--completely so--just as I am today--but he was traveling in the strength of Almighty God and doing a great, great work. Now I want to see that "Greatness" in him, but not carnal greatness--spiritual greatness.

87. If his wife is not a help meet for him--"a busybody in other people's affairs" as she used to be--if that's what is making carnality, then God give him strength of soul to handle her! She will prove an eternal nuisance if that isn't cuffed out of her.

88. The work she did for Mrs. Omar was marvelous; and the sheer result of the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the House of Jehovah. She ought to have a hundred such works, and that without a trace of that devilish stuff that Mr. Whittaker rebuked years ago.

89. If they have any fear of God in their souls whatever, there will be no more carnality, and no more spiritual deviltry, but whole-souled devotion to God--the Glad Tidings given on the right and on the left, till North America is swept by its power.

90. I don't ask for that. I demand it. The entire movement will be nullified as to the Great Commission if these snags are allowed to exist. In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth I command every one of you to get there in prayer, in faith, and in humility, that the "vision" of God may be fulfilled!

91. "Why do you talk so to us?" God said years ago, "The Davidic priesthood." And I am clearing my skirts or every possibility of failure. The Aaronic priesthood is that presided over first by Aaron. The Melchizedek priesthood is that experienced by the man on the mountaintop forty days and again forty days. Aaron's ministry amounted to scarcely a thing in comparison to that of his brother. It landed the people into false worship while he came down with wrath unutterable from the mountaintop and cuffed it out of them--three thousand men being slain.

92. This same spirit possesses the writer, and he is saving you from the false worship that is inevitable and certain if I don't speak just such words--biting, burning, irresistible.

93. And that priesthood which Melchizedek knew when he was "made like unto the Son of God"--that's what I am seeking to get into your souls so you will be translated. You can't dilute it in the slightest degree. It's the word of Him Who commissioned me to "oversee it." Take it in. Become it. Eat it. Enjoy it. Love it--and you may worship all the way from gravity to where there is no gravity--up where God is.

94. You may not understand this, but God does. Receive it. Welcome it; and you will find that the reception of "a prophet like unto me" as Moses said, is not a vain thing. "Like unto me," that you may be "like unto the Son of God." Oh, some day you will fairly want to dance up there on high to express your great gladness that I talked just as I did when I was on earth! Get into it, you ministers, and lead off as you ought to. Get into it, Charles, all over. Get into it, one and all, that fear God, and know what the Omnipotent One can do. Amen! and Amen!

95. And if you want to know my name, it is..."NOTHING"! "N-O-T-H-I-N-G"!--"not a whit behind the chiefest apostle" though I am that.

96. If I can get you respectably attired for the Great Day ahead, then I am willing for you never to have another thought of me throughout Eternity.

97. For years a certain person has referred to me as "the apostle Of the millennium." I thought at first it was merely complimentary, but later on I felt it was true.

98. I have a precious name--a name so sacred I have never mentioned it with the exception of possibly once or twice in many, many years. It is this: "The Apostle of the Lamb."

99. If these words are true (and I haven't the slightest doubt that they are) then my utterances will place you by His side where you will be glad, gladder, gladdest.

100. How glad "Moses My servant" will be! And how glad Elijah "My servant" will be! when the Messiah takes His place on the throne.


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